friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava

Friedrich Wilhelm Pestel - Commentarii de Republica Batava -

Friedrich Wilhelm Pestel - Commentarii de Republica Batava -

Friedrich Wilhelm Pestel - Commentarii de Republica Batava - Leiden, Luzac & Van Damme, - x, viii, 500 and (2) pp. - half-leather hardcover - cm - Reference: Haitsma Mulier/van der Lem 381a.Condition: Good. Crisp bookblock without defects. Cover with wear. Spine damaged at head and tail.Will be sent by registered mail.Pestel became Professor of Natural and State Law in Leiden in . As a follower of the stadtholder he lost his appointment during the Batavian revolution, after which he went back to Germany. A few years later, he was reinstated (). Read More

Prussia – 1 Thaler  Friedrich Wilhelm III

Prussia – 1 Thaler Friedrich Wilhelm III

Prussia. 1 Thaler Friedrich Wilhelm III. Read More

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Prussia – 1 Thaler Friedrich Wilhelm III
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph: Historisch-kritische

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph: Historisch-kritische

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe / Reihe II: Nachlaß. Band 3: Inhalt: Über das Evangelium Johannis Über die Zwölf Kleinen Propheten Über die Zwölf Kleinen Propheten II. Der Band enthĂ€lt drei Nachschriften Schellings von Vorlesungen Christian Friedrich Schnurrers ĂŒber das Johannesevangelium sowie das Dodekapropheton aus seinen ersten beiden Semestern an der UniversitĂ€t TĂŒbingen. Die Aufzeichnungen des jungen Schelling beschrĂ€nken sich nicht nur auf die Wiedergabe der Vorlesungen Schnurrers, sondern bieten eigene Kommentare zu dessen Auslegung. In einzigartiger Weise dokumentieren diese Texte die Form von Exegese, welche den Studierenden am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts in TĂŒbingen vermittelt wurde, sowie die Vertrautheit des jungen Schelling mit der exegetischen und hermeneutischen Debatte der spĂ€ten AufklĂ€rungstheologie. Der Band wird durch editorische Berichte, Anmerkungen, Register und Bibliographie erschlossen.

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Widenmann - La orictognosia - 2

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Widenmann - La orictognosia - 2

La orictognosia (two volumes) by Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Widenmann. Imprenta Real, and .Leather binding. Original edition. The edges are dyed in red. In very good condition. Complete with plates and illustrations.It has an illustration in page 82 of the second volume and two foldouts, the first one in page 52 of the first volume and the other one at the end of the second volume. The colouring of the first-volume foldout is not original, it was painted by one of the early owners. The orictognosy is the science concerned with systematic classification of minerals and fossils.The original book of Wilhelm Widenmann is extraordinarily hard to find, especially in a so good condition.As you can see in the first page, it’s dedicated to Manual Godoy, Prince of the Peace.Size: 14 cm wide x 21 cm long 2 volumes, 396 pages (first volume) + 466 pages (second volume) Read More

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Widenmann - La orictognosia - 2
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Werke - 18 (out of 19)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Werke - 18 (out of 19)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's werke. - Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, . - Later uniform bound bands, half linen band/corners - 22,2 x 13,1 cm.Condition: 19th part is missing. Wear and damage to the bindings. A library stamp on title pages. Some parts with name on flyleaf or title page written. Inside with some damage/tears/rust spots/discoloration/worm holes/notes. General condition: goodWill be sent registered.Total: 15. Read More

Wilhelm Haacke & Wilhelm Kuhnert - Das Thierleben der Erde -

Wilhelm Haacke & Wilhelm Kuhnert - Das Thierleben der Erde -

Wilhelm Haacke & Wilhelm Kuhner - Das Thierleben der Erde. Three bindings, complete. 1: Das Thierleben Europas.2: Das Thierleben Asiens, Amerika und Australien.3: Das Thierleben Afrikas und des Meeres & das Leben der Hausthiere und der Schmarotzer (mit systematischer InhaltsĂŒbersicht und Register) - Verlag Martin Oldenbourg, pp. - linen, decorated bindings with golden lettering and marbled edges - 28 x 20 cm.Name on title pages. In nice condition. Read More

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Wilhelm Haacke & Wilhelm Kuhnert - Das Thierleben der Erde -
Pestel & Mortar

Pestel & Mortar

Pestal & mortar 10cm high 15cm wide Will deliver local for extra charge *Please look at my other items all very good condition* Read more

Pestel & Mortar

Pestel & Mortar

Pestal & mortar - Heavy 10cm high 15cm wide Will deliver local for extra charge *Please look at my other items all very good condition* Read more

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Pestel & Mortar
Charles Alapide (Cornelis Van den Steen)-Commentarii in IV.

Charles Alapide (Cornelis Van den Steen)-Commentarii in IV.

Charles Alapide (Cornelis Van den Steen)-Commentarii in IV. Evangelia., LVGDVNI, M. DC, XXXVIII. Sumpt. Iacobi & Petri Proft.Links: Volume I°: (ITW)-Volume II° (indexes)Hardcover (sow beautiful contemporary leather binding)Dimensions cm. 23x37x5 (each volume)Weight of both: kg. 4.4Very good condition; second cover unglued, lacks a page corner (white without text) to a page; some minimal bending Read More

Friedrich Ratzel - Völkerkunde-

Friedrich Ratzel - Völkerkunde-

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Friedrich Ratzel - “Völkerkunde” 3 volumes - Leipzig - Publisher of the Bibliographic Institute - mixed edition - - half leather with gold embossing on the spine pp. - dimensions 26 cm x 19 cm.Condition: Good - spine slightly rubbed - Ex libris front pages - otherwise all three volumes in good condition.Volume 1. “Die Naturvölker Afrikas” - with 494 illustrations in the text, 10 chromo panels and 2 maps-Volume 2 “Die Naturvölker Ozeaniens, Amerikas und Asiens” - with 391 illustrations in the text, 11 chromo panels and 2 maps- Volume 3: “Die Kulturvölker der Alten und Neuen Welt” - with 235 pictures in text, 9 chromo panels and 1 map, Read more

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Friedrich Ratzel - Völkerkunde-
Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend

Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend

Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend: Der an OriginalschauplĂ€tzen in Stuttgart gedrehte Stummfilm Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend beschreibt die Jahre des Dichters an der Hohen Karlsschule, wo er mit seiner AufsĂ€ssigkeit auffĂ€llt. Sein Zorn ĂŒber die Ungerechtigkeiten des absolutistischen Herzogs Karl Eugen von WĂŒrttemberg schlĂ€gt sich nieder in dem TheaterstĂŒck 'Die RĂ€uber', das im Januar mit großem Erfolg im Nationaltheater in Mannheim aufgefĂŒhrt wird und Schiller in Stuttgart eine GefĂ€ngnisstrafe einbringt. Die erste Filmregie des Schauspielers, Dramatikers, Regisseurs und Schriftstellers Curt Goetz erntete bei seiner Premiere Kritikerlob, weil Goetz es vermied, 'Schiller zu pathetisieren' und stattdessen einen 'humoristisch-anekdotischen Volksfilm' schuf (Herbert Ihering). Der weitgehend vollstĂ€ndig erhaltene Film wurde vom Filmmuseum MĂŒnchen zum Schillerjahr restauriert.

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 13 Itens -

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 13 Itens -

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Lote de 12 moedas de escudo em prata1 de 8 euros prataMuito bom estado Todas detalhadas nas fotos Ver todas as fotos de tratado de tordesilhas de de abril de e de e de unidades de Moçambique 5$00 de Moçambique de Angola 8€ euro portugal Read more

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Portugal - RepĂșblica - 13 Itens -
Portugal - RepĂșblica - 30 Itens -

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 30 Itens -

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Banknotes from BC+ to UNC, all different20 escudos - escudos - escudos - escudos - / escudos - See photos. Read more

Friedrich Nietzsche: Genealogie der Moral

Friedrich Nietzsche: Genealogie der Moral

Friedrich Nietzsche: Genealogie der Moral: Bekannte Philosophen kommentieren in der Reihe 'Klassiker Auslegen' die klassischen Texte der Philosophiegeschichte. Nietzsches 'Zur Genealogie Moral' ist der Höhepunkt der abendlĂ€ndischen Moralkritik. In einer erfrischenden EinfĂŒhrung ordnet Otfried Höffe den Text kulturgeschichtlich ein und stellt dessen Themen und Thesen vor. Anschließend stellen ausgewiesene Nietzsche-Kenner die 'Streitschrift' Kapitel fĂŒr Kapitel vor und zeigen HintergrĂŒnde, die man nicht kennen kann oder die man leicht ĂŒbersieht.

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Friedrich Nietzsche: Genealogie der Moral
Friedrich Von Schlumbach - Erweckungsprediger Zwischen

Friedrich Von Schlumbach - Erweckungsprediger Zwischen

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hahn-Bruckart, Thomas, PUBLISHER: Vandehoeck & Ruprecht, English summary: Friedrich von Schluembach () was an important figure in the transatlantic cultural and religious transfer of the 19th century. He played a significant role in German-American church life in the United States. After emigration from Wurttemberg as a teenager, he worked as a businessman, Civil War officer, journalist, political orator, pastor, evangelist, farmer and colonist. As an evangelist he crossed the Atlantic several times. His big-city crusades in the U.S. and Germany provided a lot of attention and give insight into the church-political constellations and cross-cultural perceptions of his time. With the formation of a Nationalbund of German YMCAs in North America, he worked towards a long term integration of German young men in American evangelical Christianity. In Germany he founded the first YMCA and gave strong impulse for a restructuring of youth work methods. In turn, his experiences with the Inner Mission in Germany had repercussions on his work in the United States. Based on the exciting vita of this remarkable revival preacher, the author opens up issues of religion, church and society in Germany and the United States in the second half of the 19th Century. He deals with self and social perceptions of a German-American and his environment between Europe and the United States. He illuminates different religious cultures of the time with their differing ecclesiological conceptions. Thus, this study provides a valuable contribution to the history of religion in the Western world in the second half of the 19th century. German text. German description: Die transatlantischen Austauschprozesse im Protestantismus des 19. Jahrhunderts sind bisher wenig erforscht. Mit Friedrich von Schlumbach () widmet sich Thomas Hahn-Bruckart einer Gestalt, der eine wesentliche Bruckenfunktion zwischen den Kulturen zukam. Als Jugendlicher in die USA emigriert, wirkte er unter anderem als Kaufmann, Burgerkriegsoffizier, Journalist, Wahlkampfredner, Prediger, Evangelist, Farmer und Koloniegrunder. Seine grossstadtischen Evangelisationen in den USA und Deutschland sorgten fur grosses Aufsehen und geben Einblick in die kirchenpolitischen Konstellationen und interkulturellen Wahrnehmungen seiner Zeit. Mit der Grundung des ersten deutschen CVJM brachte Schlumbach ein Modell der Jugendarbeit nach Deutschland, das dort richtungsweisend werden sollte. Die Erfahrungen mit ihm im Spannungsfeld von Landeskirche und Freikirche hatten Auswirkungen auf die Formierung der Gemeinschaftsbewegung in Deutschland. Seine Erfahrungen in Deutschland wiederum hatten Ruckwirkungen auf die Gestaltung deutsch-amerikanischen kirchlichen Lebens in den USA. Anhand der spannenden Vita dieses bemerkenswerten Erweckungspredigers erschliesst der Autor Probleme von Religion, Kirche und Gesellschaft in Deutschland und in den Vereinigten Staaten in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er behandelt Fragen der Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung eines Deutsch-Ameri Buy Now

Carl Friedrich Gauß und Russland

Carl Friedrich Gauß und Russland

Carl Friedrich Gauß und Russland: Dokumentiert wird die wichtige Rolle von Gauß fĂŒr die Wissenschaft in Russland und die ĂŒberaus große Bedeutung, die Russland fĂŒr Gauß wissenschaftliches Schaffen zukommt. Vorgestellt werden 17 in Russland tĂ€tige Wissenschaftler, mit denen Gauß korrespondierte und oft auch unmittelbar zusammenarbeitete.

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Carl Friedrich Gauß und Russland
Das Leben des Friedrich Schiller

Das Leben des Friedrich Schiller

Das Leben des Friedrich Schiller: Sigrid Damm schaltet einfach das Licht an. Und schlagartig wird es hell um den Menschen Friedrich Schiller. Mit viel GespĂŒr rĂŒckt sie die UmstĂ€nde und Bedingungen seines Schaffens in den Vordergrund, verbindet Alltag und Werk und vermittelt so ein faszinierendes Lebensbild auf der Basis authentischer Zeugnisse. Eva Garg macht diese Wanderung durch das Leben Schillers hörbar und zeichnet die Facetten seines unabhĂ€ngigen und kreativen Daseins nach.

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 5 Pares -  Escudos -

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 5 Pares - Escudos -

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. 14 Coins from the Portuguese Republic Autonomous Region of Madeira 6 x 25 Escudos coins from (Zarco)5 x 100 Escudos coins from (Zarco)3 x 100 Escudos coins from (Porto Santo) Read more

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Portugal - RepĂșblica - 5 Pares - Escudos -
RepĂșblica Portuguesa – 'Caravela' 10 Escudos

RepĂșblica Portuguesa – 'Caravela' 10 Escudos

Portuguese Republic – Since Escudos – Composition: Silver (Ag 650)Issuing mint: LisbonCatalogue Alberto Gomes: Weight: 12.2gDiameter: 30mm______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please carefully assess the coin's condition. Decide accordingly.All coins are photographed under natural sunlight in order to convey the best and most realistic image possible.All items are guaranteed authentic in accordance with their description." All items purchased will be sent to the winning bidder via CTT registered post.When the buyer expressly consents to the shipping of items without insurance, he or she bears all risks of loss or damage to such items.It is always possible to bundle several items together to be sent in one order, in which case there will be only one shipping charge.Should you need additional information, please submit your query before bidding on your item of interest. Read More

Mozambique, Portugal - RepĂșblica - 50 Centavos -  -

Mozambique, Portugal - RepĂșblica - 50 Centavos - -

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Mozambique - Portuguese Republic50 Centavos - - GENI - AU55Material - Copper-NickelWeight - 8.00 g (Catalogue)Diameter- mm (Catalogue) Read more

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Mozambique, Portugal - RepĂșblica - 50 Centavos - -
Portugal - RepĂșblica - 10 Escudos - Silver

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 10 Escudos - Silver

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Portugal - 10escudos - Prata Read more

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 1 Escudo -  - Alpaca

Portugal - RepĂșblica - 1 Escudo - - Alpaca

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Portugal - Republic - 1 Escudo - - Nickel silverRegistered post with acknowledgement of receipt.Any applicable taxes or customs duties in the bidder’s country are his or her own responsibility. The photographs wholly represent the coin to be shipped, and it is advisable to examine every visible detail, since the seller’s assessment of the coins’ grade may differ from that of the bidder. Please do not bid if you do not agree to the terms. Read more

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Portugal - RepĂșblica - 1 Escudo - - Alpaca
Angola, Portugal - Republica - 10 Centavos  -

Angola, Portugal - Republica - 10 Centavos -

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. 10 CentavosMeasure: 19mmWeight: 3gMintage: AG: Always shipped by registered and insured mail by CTT Portugal or upon request and prior payment by SEUR Portugal. Read more

Liberia – 25 Dollars  'Friedrich von Schiller' –

Liberia – 25 Dollars 'Friedrich von Schiller' –

Beautiful and rare gold coin. Liberia: 25 Dollars , motif: Friedrich von Schiller 0.73 g gold PPCoin in fantastic condition and inside of a capsule. Read More

Related products friedrich wilhelm pestel commentarii republica batava: Liberia – 25 Dollars 'Friedrich von Schiller' –
Gornik Friedrich () - Lost wax bronze casting

Gornik Friedrich () - Lost wax bronze casting

Click here to view this lot Beautiful bronze sculpture by the Austrian artist and sculpture Gornik Friedrich, in mint state of preservation with no signs of wear.Size: 25.5 x 10.5 cm,height 30 cm.Bronze sculpture, signed and initialled. Click here to visit Catawiki Read More
