FREE - Large 3 Door Wardrobe (dismantled) - FREE in Stoke On
ong>ong>FREEong>ong> - To anyone willong>inong>g to collect - We have a ong>largeong> 3 ong>doorong> ong>wardrobeong>. It has double ong>wardrobeong> hangong>inong>g space with a top shelf and a side shelf section. Its a few years old, but of good quality, and is ong>inong> pretty reasonable condition. It would look good paong>inong>ted shabby chic. We have unfortunately, had to dismantle it (although it is not a flat pack item) because it was too big to move, its very approximately 6 feet high (152cm) x 6 feet wide (152cm). We feel that it is too good to scrap. Any one with a little help/skill, should be able to put it back together agaong>inong>. Please note that it is a fairly heavy item.