Gas 3 Burner BBQ With free BBQ commercial cleaner,...
ong>Gasong> 3 Burner ong>BBQong> With ong>freeong> ong>BBQong> commercial cleaner, It has two wooden side shelves either side for storing food ready to come off or to go the ong>BBQong>. It has a flat plate and 2 grill racks.It needs a bit of TLC to tidy it up as the wooden stain has been weathered. It has bottom wooden shelf for added storage. ong>Gasong> hose attachment. It is rusty but is only superficial rust and will come off with a good clean & ong>BBQong> Cleaner. It is 800mm high 460 mm deep Wooden side Shelves 300 wide eachong>BBQong> cooker is 600mm wide so is mm total width.First come first served. Bonus ong>Freeong> Commercial ong>BBQong> cleaner with it. £, Bristol, .