Great Britain and Commonwealth - collection on album pages
Great Britain ong>onong>g>Collectiong>onong>ong>onong>g>, entirely classic Queen Victoria, ranging from 3 from , to 103 from .The stamps are generally in fair original cong>onong>ditiong>onong>, as you can see in the clear photos, taken carefully to show the details so you can get a good idea of the lot to check it properly.+ ong>onong>g>collectiong>onong>ong>onong>g> of Queen Elizabeth II, between from to from , set ong>onong> DAVO ong>pagesong>.The lot cong>onong>tains the Machin series, the series with Regiong>onong>al emblems ong>andong> Postage Due pieces between ong>andong> ong>andong> a small ong>onong>g>collectiong>onong>ong>onong>g> of Commong>onong>wealth antique issued classics, between ong>andong> , with Hong>ONong>G Kong>ONong>G (see no. 45 ong>andong> 49) + WEST AUSTRALIA + South Africa + Transwaal + Tasmania (see no. 34) + Southern Nigeria.Shipping by tracked systems.Please examine the photos/scans carefully to form your own impressiong>onong> ong>andong> assessment. Read More