3 sweetheart kittens for sale in Milton Keynes in Milton
Hello everybody! We have 3 adorably little kittens ong>forong> sale ong>inong> ong>Miltonong> ong>Keynesong> that you can see from the photos, just over 8 weeks old. The sweet domong>inong>antly white & black kitten is ong>forong> £140, the fully black one who loves to be petted kitty is ong>forong> £120 and the fully black purrong>inong>g kitten with a white neck tie is ong>forong> £130. The reason why we are sellong>inong>g them is because unong>forong>tunately we cannot accommodate 3 extra cats at home. We are lookong>inong>g ong>forong> ong>inong>dividuals or families who are lovong>inong>g, carong>inong>g and would love to have even more extra joy ong>inong> their own lives and the lives of their children. These beautiful bundles of a joy are always a good laugh, they will literally make you smile from ear to ear. They're fun to play with and fun to watch. All 3 are perfectly healthy, vibrant and full of life. They have already started doong>inong>g their busong>inong>ess ong>inong> the litter tray, and cleanong>inong>g is very simple, just take a plastic bag, wrap it around the unloaded goods, tie the bag and throw away ong>forong> disposal after use. Simple, easy and no big mess. If you have even the tong>inong>iest garden at home than this may be an even bigger bonus ong>forong> you as they will brighten up the atmosphere even more, together, as you sit there sippong>inong>g on a cup of tea or coffee, they will keep you company whether it's at night, day or mornong>inong>g time. If you are ong>inong>terested, please contact Matas at zero, seven, five, nong>inong>e, three, three, eight, four, one, two, eight. They will be gone soon, don't wait until it's too late! Mobile number: