Juxta-Post Media -Creating Content for Digital Marketing in
With ten years experience and hav<strong>instrong>g worked with some high profile names; we create high-end professionally polished digital <strong>contentstrong>. Social media campaigns, event capture, product promotion, service, restaurant, hotels and many more can all benefit from be<strong>instrong>g seen and heard. We created promotional videos <strong>forstrong> - Virg<strong>instrong> Media Pioneers, Yves Sa<strong>instrong>t Laurent, Abbott Labora<strong>tostrong>ries, Amnesty <strong>Instrong>ternational, The Asian Awards and many more. If you would like more <strong>instrong><strong>forstrong>mation regard<strong>instrong>g our services, please get <strong>instrong> <strong>tostrong>uch.