POLE FISHING WHIP + 1 FLOAT WINDER whip pole fishing rod
KATCH KARP POLE FISHING WHIP+1 FLOAT WINDERwhip pole fishing rod carp roach perch bream HERE U R buying a POLE / WHIP SETUP AND INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING IDEAL STARTER POLE ALL READY TO GO FISHING WITH(please note colour and brand of pole may vary)ideal for holiday FUN FISHING or to compliment your existing setup to catch a few fish while U R waiting for that elusive carp to come alongthis offer includesTELESCOPIC POLE / WHIP your choice 3 - 6 metresPLEASE NOTE BELOW elastic which is very easily fitted in secondsTHE ELASTIC +1 x FLOAT WINDER for spare pole rig included in this offer the elastic which is very easily fitted in secondsOn 14-Jan-16 at GMT, seller added the following information: 0) { var flashPlugin = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if (typeof flashPlugin == 'object') { /* need flash version 6 or higher (this code should work with future flash plugins.) */ if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 5.') != -1) flashVersion = 5; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 4.') != -1) flashVersion = 4; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 3.') != -1) flashVersion = 3; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 2.') != -1) flashVersion = 2; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 1.') != -1) flashVersion = 1; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 6.') != -1) flashVersion = 6; else if (flashPlugin.description.indexOf(' 7.') != -1) flashVersion = 7; else flashVersion = 8; } } else if (agent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && agent.indexOf('win')!=-1 && agent.indexOf('16bit')==-1) { if (window.sqHasFlash || typeof(window.andale_fv) != 'undefined') { if (window.sqHasFlash || andale_fv >= 6) { flashVersion = 6; } } else { document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('on error resume next'); document.writeln('dim obFlash '); document.writeln('set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")'); document.writeln('if IsObject(obFlash) then '); document.writeln('flashVersion = 7 '); document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6") end if '); document.writeln('if flashVersion '); } } } if (flashVersion >= 6) { document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' ');document.writeln(' '); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('