Oracle Apps Technical Online Training in USA in Kensington
Magnifionlinetraining ORACLE APPS TECHNICAL" Online Training by Magnific Training is excellent online training with oracle appps real time experienced trainers.The Oracle Apps Trainers are professional and real time experienced Consultants.Magnific Training is giving all courses with latest versions and practise purpose we give server access.We can choose online training classes weekend or regular type.The Online Training is giving not only India all over the world like USA, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, Canada, Australia, Newzeland,south africa,austria,.. etc. For any courses and Demos contact us Module 1: Definition of ERP Types of available data Introductory note to oracle application Module 2: Functional roles and consultant Technical roles and consultant DBA with following roles Various forms of projects Module 3: Architecture of oracle app Database structure and with introductory note to rice components Module 4: AOL and system administration Definition of app user with responsibilities Creation of some responsibilities FND tables and understands AOL with available components