Charles III of Bourbon, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - Edict
ong>Edictong> about a donation December . Historic and rare ong>edictong> concerning ong>theong> donationong>ofong> scudi to ong>theong> King. Rare and unique document ong>ofong> national history covering ong>theong> period ong>ofong> ong>theong> reign ong>ofong> Charles III, King ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>Kingdomong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>twoong> ong>Siciliesong>, regarding a donation to be given to ong>theong> King for ong>theong> birth ong>ofong> ong>theong> heir to ong>theong> throne Prince Philippe (which ended up not rising to ong>theong> throne because mentally deranged), to be carried out by all civic, ecclesiastical, and military orders, each in its due percentages. Palermo, 23 December . Size 42 x 60>Theong> document is in very good condition, slight browning at ong>theong> centre. Laid paper. ong>Twoong> pieces ong>ofong> paper originally glued to ong>theong> document in order to achieve a correct format for printing. Registered shipping by Poste Italiane. Read More