Family History on Video
Have you ever wanted to write or record your life stories? Maybe your parents or grandparents would like to record their ong>familyong>'s stories before they pass. This makes for the PERFECT ong>FAMILYong> GIFT at CHRISTMAS. You never really know what to get your parents or grandparents around this time of year. Why not go the extra mile and all chip in, record your ong>familyong>'s amazing ong>historyong>, from where it all began, how you all grew up, to the memorable times you've spent together. One day those memories will be lost and forgotten, unless you document them, write them down, or record a proper hour or tow long video with the nitty gritty details, all the wonderful and woeful stories, and the emotions behind it all caught on camera. Recordings are currently being booked for Christmas gifts, so please email your queries and maybe we can get your video recorded and put together right away. we're midlands based, come to you, record within your own time frame, we're non intrusive and we tailor everything to you. We even present everything in custom design packaging, printed CDs, and transcribed booklets. Please see the youtube link for details and contact info. Secure this amazing opportunity for you and your ong>familyong> to cherish precious memories forever. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit