The wings of lead T1 to T3 + 2 x Ex Libris + 4 x dedication
Great lot for fans of Barral, the talented designers - among other things-parodies of Sherlock Holmes (Baker Street) t of Blake and Mortimer (the adventures of Philip and Francis) and the resumption of N. Burma.It's the first 3 volumes of the series wings of Davis with Gibelin in TBE lead enriched in the following way-Volume 1 with dedication to the pencil Barral;-Volume 2 with a rare Bookplate superhero N & S 140 ex. - stuck on the front page - and 2 signings Gibelin (who drew all the planes) and Barral, every 2 in pencil;-Volume 3 with with Ex Libris Phantasmagoria N & S-250 ex. - glued on the front page - and dedication to the pencil Barral Read More