PC/RC all rounder
14.2 piebald mare, 6 years. Bridget is a middleweight type, very comfy and takes up the leg. She has been out competing this season and has been very successful in SJ and placed in her first showing class. She has also done her first working hunter class, jumping clear and being placed 3 rd. She is impeccably behaved at shows, not fazed by loudspeakers, generators, flags, loud music. She will stand on the trailer for any length of time until required. She happily jumps everything, walls, fillers, flags, flowers. Never stops, always tries her best and willing to have a go at anything. Snaffle mouth at all times. Bridget is a great hack both alone and in company. Safe in open spaces, not spooky and 100% in heavy traffic. Used to sheep and dogs. She is good to catch and very easy to load in a lorry or trailer and travels beautifully. Lives out in a mixed herd with no problems. Bridget would suit a keen teenager/adult for all PC/RC activities, fun rides etc. Lovely home sought. Read More