Leisure Eye-Level Grill Gas cooker,in Lovely Order.
This ong>gasong> ong>cookerong> has been rarely used,however it does require an oven burner,the reason beong>inong>g,after we purchased it from new,we connected it to bottled ong>gasong>,and was later ong>inong>formed by the suppliers that this ong>cookerong> was meant for maong>inong>s ong>gasong>,and that the bottled ong>gasong> was too hot for the burner,they also told us that these burners was Not expensive to replace,we moved house short time later and never used the ong>cookerong> song>inong>ce,or got round to replacong>inong>g the burner,for further ong>inong>fo.mobile or land-long>inong>e