ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris

Ex-libris; Lot with 62 ex-libris of Italian artists -  /

Ex-libris; Lot with 62 ex-libris of Italian artists - /

Collection of Italian ong>exong>-ong>librisong> - 62 woodcuts, etchings in perfect condition, of:1. Armando Baldinelli (3)2. Luigi Bompard (2)3. and 4. Sergio Burzi (5)5. and 6. Giulio Cisari (6)7. Giovanni Botta (1 signed), F. Rognoni (1)8. Estuarte (1), Fr. Brunello (2 signed)9. G. Martinenghi (2), A. Gagliardo (1), B. Battaglini (1)10. P. Posch (1), A. Rubino (1), A. Martini (1), I. Zetti (1 signed)11. B. da Osimo (2), M. Giarrizo (1)12. Mosca (1), D. Chieza (1), M. Guelfi (1 signed). and 15. Gambini (16)And 12 other ong>exong>-ong>librisong>.The ong>exong>-ong>librisong> are pasted on loose sheets at the top, and kept in an ordinary folder. Read More

Ex-libris; Lot with 98 ex-libris of Dutch artists -  /

Ex-libris; Lot with 98 ex-libris of Dutch artists - /

Collection of 98 ong>exong>-ong>librisong> pasted on loose leaves:Anton Pieck (3)R. Snapper (2)G.A. Bruno (1)Nico Bulder (4)W.J. Bunnik (1)J.C. Maes (5)A. Magdelijns (8)Thijs Mauve (2)Erich Mayer (1)A. Meyer (1)J. Nuiver (1)W.J. Rosendaal (1)P. Rueter (3)Jan van Doorn (2)Dirk van Gelder (1)Georges van Laer (1)D. Van Luyn (2)G. Van Riemsdijk (1)Jac Visser (3)H. Vogeler (1)H.A. Ravenswaay (2)Rombout (1), J. van Hell (1), J. Van Doorn (1), J. van de Leur (1)F.B Swalve (1), F. Sterk (3)W. Van Putten (1)J. Briede (1), F. Boon (1), T. Broekstra (1)F. Mettes (1), Holland (1), A. Mulder (1), Nols (1), Bouman (1), W. Boeije (1),B. Maukes (2)And 28 other ong>exong>-ong>librisong>. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Ex-libris; Lot with 98 ex-libris of Dutch artists - /
Ex-libris; Lot with 13 heraldic ex-libris from

Ex-libris; Lot with 13 heraldic ex-libris from

Noteworthy:Includes the ong>exong>-ong>librisong> of Julius and by Richard Kwizda. At the time they were the co-owners of the still ong>exong>isting pharmaceutical group Kwizda. Julius (Austria, ), pharmacist, was the co-founder in . His brother Richard took over the company in . Both ong>exong>-ong>librisong> are made by Karl Zischek.Works by: ‱ Jean KAUFFMANN (CH ), opus 53 from . Copper engraving.‱ Lorenz RHEUDE (DE), ‱ 2× Adolf KUNST (DE), ‱ Rudolf KLEMENT (AT ),‱ Jacques BURER-KOBLER (Buko), (CH ) ?‱ August GERLACH (DE?)‱ 2× Karl ZISCHEK (AT)‱ E.L. HOESS (DE?)‱ H. Förster (DE?)‱ L. LOEFF (DE?)‱ VÖCCHEIM (DE?)‱ Will be sent by registered mail. Read More

Ex-libris; lot of 174 ex-libris of Spanish artists - first

Ex-libris; lot of 174 ex-libris of Spanish artists - first

In good condition. Of the following artists:Abad (1)Alerta (4)Jose Benseny (3)L. Brunet (3)L.De Navarra (2)Joan Estiarte (9)Luis Garcia Falgas (2)E. Gavilan (8)Juan Llorens (1)German Gil Losilla (1)Joao Machado (5)A. Mendez (3)Miguel Roig Nadal (4)Otte Pinell (1)P. Prat (2)R. Rosell (7)F. F Victorio (1)F. Villalobos (3)A. Brun (1) Gali (1) Rodriguez Chaves (1) Renart (1)Nuet (1) Olle (2) Jose Luz (1) Salo (1)Deulopeu (1) Figuerola (1) Lozoya (1) Libert (1)Riquer (1) Domenech (1) Gadas (1) Puig (1)Guasp (2) Febrer (1) Garrido (1)Dutgia (1) Comas (1)Anglada (1) Benedicto (1)And 89 others Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Ex-libris; lot of 174 ex-libris of Spanish artists - first
Ex-libris; Lot with 36 volumes “Exlibriswereld” -

Ex-libris; Lot with 36 volumes “Exlibriswereld” -

ong>Lotong> contains: 1. Volumes , complete ong>withong> supplements; 2. Volumes (volume lacks issue 2, volume lacks issue 3, volume lacks issue 3)ong>Exong>tra:ong>Exong>ong>librisong> cahier 1 to 5;-Nobilis cahier 1 to 9;-Annual premium ong>exong>ong>librisong>wereldWim Zwiers;Henk Blokhuis;Peter Lazarov;Thijs Mauve;Michael Jepkes; Enric AdserĂ  Riba;Yvonne de Vries.-Johan Schwencke Prijs/Award and Condition: goodFor a good impression of this collection all ong>booksong> are shown in the pictures. Indicated shipping rates ong>withong>in the Netherlands.Note! Will be sent by registered mail to all other countries. The indicated rates apply. Read More

Lot with 50 ex-libris exlibris and ephemera -

Lot with 50 ex-libris exlibris and ephemera -

ong>Lotong> of 50 ephemera and ong>exong>-ong>librisong>, mostly from Central and Southeastern Europe, from to . Most of ong>exong>ong>librisong> are made ong>withong> C2, C3, C4 techniques. 43 ong>exong>-ong>librisong> are signed ong>withong> pencil.Some artist are: Balanov, Basenko, BorovskĂœ, Cepauskas, Chrenko, DeĂĄk, Gal, Illi, Janssen, Kracmar, KrĂĄlovĂĄ, Kraner, Kuhlmann, LesarovĂĄ-RoubĂ­ckovĂĄ, Mercier, MikĆĄys, Munar, Nagy, Netusil, Okas, PavlĂ­kovĂĄ, Preusse, Radulescu, Ć afĂĄr, Ć ara, Schapiel, Ć echtlovĂĄ, Ć t'astnĂœ, Stauf, Stryjec, Szoktysek, Vaher, VaĆĄek, Vauchok, Volkamer, VorechovĂĄ, Weidensdorfer, Largest size: 20 x 14 cm. Smallest size: 6 x 10 cm.Condition: Good (see photos). Some ong>exong>-ong>librisong> pasted on cardboard, ong>withong> spots, folds, or ong>withong> traces of glue or paper on backsideShipping all over the world by registered mail. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Lot with 50 ex-libris exlibris and ephemera -
Graphic art; Lot with 55 items, including ex-libris, wood

Graphic art; Lot with 55 items, including ex-libris, wood

Two portfolios ong>withong> ong>exong>-ong>librisong>, wood engravings and small graphic works.Made by various artists.Condition: Near mintNumber of items: 55Years:Dimensions: between 8 cm and 25 cmIncluding works of artists like: Taduesz Szumarski, Ph van Praag, Huszar, Zaaier, van Regteren Altenn, Windhausen, van Veen. Read More

Ex-libris; Lot with 39 publications from France - first half

Ex-libris; Lot with 39 publications from France - first half

A. Herry (5 of which 3 are signed)J. Desquand (3)M. Dyvernesse (3)A. Mougeol (3)Collins (1) Carlu (1)Carlegle (1) E. Huber (1) Moreau (1)Gradet (1) Natabiagne (1) Ritleng (2)Lefebvre (1) Chieze (1) Favet (1)Marquisat de Beauvau (3)And 5 other ong>exong>-ong>librisong>.These copies are pasted on loose leaves. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Ex-libris; Lot with 39 publications from France - first half
Graphic art; Lot with 12 items, including ex-libris, wood

Graphic art; Lot with 12 items, including ex-libris, wood

Artists: Zwiers, Lohmus, Spronk, Gaudaen, Snelders, JirkaSize: ranging between 20 and 25 cm in width and height. Condition: Near mint.Years:. “Blauw” by Ank Spronk (signed by Ank Spronk)2. “Naakte vrouw” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> Pim Zwiers (signed Gaudaen)3. “Rietveld vrouw” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> Pim Zwiers (signed Lohmus)4. “Man met vleugels'” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> W.K. De Bruin (signed by unknown) (copy no. . “Vrouw met kat” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> Pim Zwiers (signed by Jirka) (copy no. .“Zwanen” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> for Pierre Roller (signed by A. Snelders) (copy no. . ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> Pim Zwiers (signed by unknown) (copy no. . ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> Johan Schenke (not signed)9. ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> K. Sedlaceks (signed by Wim Zwiers)10. Mini ong>exong>-ong>librisong> (signed by Wim Zwiers) (copy no. . ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> “Maarten Aukerman” (signed by Wim Zwiers) 12. Ephemerae Anna Elisabeth (not signed)(total of 12) Read More

Ex-libris; Lot with 50 bookplates designed by André Herry -

Ex-libris; Lot with 50 bookplates designed by André Herry -

ong>Lotong> of 50 ong>exong>-ong>librisong> by the airman, ong>exong>-ong>librisong> artist and known collector from Lorraine André Herry. Most of ong>exong>ong>librisong> are made ong>withong> woodcut technique (X1, bois de fil). 6 ong>exong>-ong>librisong> are signed ong>withong> pencil. There is too a New Year greeting card realized by the artist.Largest size: 14 x 11,1 cm. Smallest size: 6,8 x 6,9 cmCondition: Good (see photos).Shipping all around the world by registered mail. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Ex-libris; Lot with 50 bookplates designed by André Herry -
Ank Spronk - Lot with 19 etchings, ex-libris and graphic art

Ank Spronk - Lot with 19 etchings, ex-libris and graphic art

Ank Spronk - ong>Lotong> ong>withong> 19 etchings, ong>exong>-ong>librisong> and graphic art:1. “Drie vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Grey)2. “Drie vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Grey)3. “Drie vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Green)4. “Drie vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Green)5. “Twee vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Purple)6. “Twee vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Green)7. “Twee vrouwen” signed by Ank Spronk (Green)8. “Katten” signed by Ank Spronk . “Landschap” signed by Ank Spronk10. “Vogel” signed by Ank Spronk11. “Egel” signed by Ank Spronk . “Eenhoorn” signed by Ank Spronk13. “Henny Verbeek Spronk” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> signed by Ank Spronk14. “Henny Verbeek Spronk” ong>exong>-ong>librisong> signed by Ank Spronk15. ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> “Hannu Paaiasmaa” signed by Ank Spronk16. ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> ALAM Nuyten signed by Ank Spronk17. ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> J.B. Stomph signed by Ank Spronk18. ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> “George Jansen” signed by Ank Spronk19. ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> “Jo Klaver” signed by Ank Spronk Size: Illustrations and paper ranging from 10 to 15 cm.Condition: Very good.Ank Spronk () graduated at the Genootschap Kunstoefening in Arnhem in . In illustration became her profession. She had developed a unique intuitive etching style. Her oeuvre includes many hundreds of etchings, mostly ong>withong> one of her three favourite subjects: cats, landscapes and Russia. Read More

Anton Pieck; Lot with postcard signed by Pieck, 12 ex-libris

Anton Pieck; Lot with postcard signed by Pieck, 12 ex-libris

Beautiful collection of images designed by Anton Pieck (). Included are twelve (of which nine different) ong>exong>-ong>librisong>, one book illustration and a New Year's card from , written, signed and sent by Anton Pieck.The following ong>exong>-ong>librisong> ong>withong> name:-G.M. van Wees-Victor Roozen (twice)-“Boeckmerck” C. Vos (three)-Dr. J.H. Struivig de Groot (dentist in Dordrecht)-Ben B. Kramer ong>Exong>-ong>librisong> ong>withong> name added by owner:-Jeanette Zwitsar-J. Kroon-Hermans-H. v. Heeswijk-One ong>exong>-ong>librisong> ong>withong>out name.The ong>exong>-ong>librisong> are printed in black and red and most of them are pasted on sheets (see photos). All in good condition. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Anton Pieck; Lot with postcard signed by Pieck, 12 ex-libris
The Red Knight  + ex-libris-5 x

The Red Knight + ex-libris-5 x

Nieuwstaten ong>withong> numbered and signed ong>exong>-ong>librisong> (see photos), in original box-De Witte Waan: -Doctor Faustus: -The black Narcissus: -Devil's missing: -The Elves ring: Read More

Meynet, FĂ©lix - 12 Ex-Libris + 2 + 5 bookmark flyers -

Meynet, FĂ©lix - 12 Ex-Libris + 2 + 5 bookmark flyers -

-2 ong>Exong>-ong>Librisong> of format 21 x 29, 5 cm. On 40 and 250 copies numbered and signed Meynet. Nine-8 ong>exong>-ong>librisong> of format 18 x 24 cm edited by Bedecouverte in and . Nine-2 ong>Exong>-ong>Librisong> of format 15 x 21 cm. Signed Meynet. Nine-2 format flyers 10 x 21 cm. Nine-1 brand-page format 7 x 21 cm. 9.-4 mark-page format 7 x 21 cm. Limited to 200 copies and drawn from the collection of . Nine Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Meynet, FĂ©lix - 12 Ex-Libris + 2 + 5 bookmark flyers -
Blacksad 5-Amarillo-large format hc + ex-libris-first

Blacksad 5-Amarillo-large format hc + ex-libris-first

Beautiful luxury of Blacksad 5: Amarillo.Numbered The ong>exong>-ong>librisong> is signed by Guarnido.Come ong>withong> original cover.Large format whereby the drawings even better.Is sent by registered mail or can be picked up at Stripsmagazijn in Hilversum. Read More

The Eagles of Rome T1 5 + dedication + HS + Ex-Libris - 7xC

The Eagles of Rome T1 5 + dedication + HS + Ex-Libris - 7xC

Nice ong>lotong> for fans of Marini-The Eagles of Rome - T1 has 5 in EO and TBE/9 (small hitch beside the 1 dish - photo)-N & S 250 ong>Exong> ong>Librisong>-Draw limit N & B large-format volume 4-nine-Volume 4 in 2 edition ong>withong> rare dedication of Marini Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: The Eagles of Rome T1 5 + dedication + HS + Ex-Libris - 7xC
Suske en Wiske  to 320 + ex-libris-5 x luxury linen

Suske en Wiske to 320 + ex-libris-5 x luxury linen

Nieuwstaten ong>withong> numbered and signed ong>exong>-ong>librisong> (see photos), in original box-The tyrannical Tor: -The banana singers: -The sugar slaves: -The Bizarre block: -Spike the Rat: Read More

Durango 17-Jessie-Luxury large hc with ex-libris-first

Durango 17-Jessie-Luxury large hc with ex-libris-first

Durango 17-Jessie-large luxury numbered hc ong>withong> numbered and signed print in very limited edition of 80 copies.Beautifully numbered Dutch-language album by Salinas and Iko.Including numbered and signed ong>exong>-ong>librisong> by Iko.Album and ong>exong>-ong>librisong> have number: .Format of the book: 39.5 x 29 cm.Size of the print: 35.5 x 25.5 cm.Album has a scratch/drain in the front cover (left-bottom) and the back is what skewed (see photo).Items are sent by registered mail.Can also be picked up. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Durango 17-Jessie-Luxury large hc with ex-libris-first
Agent 327-Dossier zevenslaper-luxury hc with ex-libris-first

Agent 327-Dossier zevenslaper-luxury hc with ex-libris-first

Agent 327-Dossier zevenslaper, luxury numbered and signed hc ong>withong> ong>exong>-ong>librisong>.Fair Edition of the stripdagen Haarlem in in a limited run of 125 copies.Number 69 vd 125Book and ong>exong>-ong>librisong> numbered and esigneerd by Martin Lodewijk.Format of the book: 30 x 22.5 cm.Format of the ong>exong>-ong>librisong>: 28.5 x 21 cmItems are sent by registered mail.Can also be picked up. Read More

Agent 327-File one premium hc with ex-libris-first edition

Agent 327-File one premium hc with ex-libris-first edition

Agent 327, file one, luxury numbered and signed hc ong>withong> folder and ong>exong>-ong>librisong>.Fair Edition of the new comic days in Rijswijk in a limited run of 100 copies.Number 022 vd 100Signed by Martin Lodewijk.Format of the book: 30 x 23 cm.Items are sent by registered mail.Can also be picked up. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Agent 327-File one premium hc with ex-libris-first edition
Blood + Ex-Libris - C - TT ()

Blood + Ex-Libris - C - TT ()

Limited first edition of the "Blood ties" album produced by Hermann and Yves h..The draw is limited to 600 copies numbered and signed.This copy is no. E.A. (copy of author).The history is presented in 53 colors boards.The draw also includes 18 sheets of sketches and preparatory drawings.The whole is enriched ong>withong> a great offset numbered and signed by Hermann,and inserted in a box.Format: 25 x 33.5 cm, Edition Semic Privilege .The set is in like new condition. Read More

Motorcity + Ex-Libris + dedication + Portfolio Champaka -

Motorcity + Ex-Libris + dedication + Portfolio Champaka -

Beautiful set for Beck fans:-Motorcity - Head draw - khani edit - N & S has 200 ong>exong>. ong>withong> ong>Exong> ong>Librisong> n & s - enriched of a superb design in pencil signed Berthet - new-Portfolio, the eye of the Hunter by Foerster and Bell from the BD of Berther and Foerster at Dupuis ong>withong> same title. Contains 6 planches 6 unpublished illustrations and sketches. Editions Champaka Book . Signed by Bell and numbered 600 ong>exong> - new (to report anti-theft in the folder, see last photo) Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: Motorcity + Ex-Libris + dedication + Portfolio Champaka -
Moebius - 4x Ex-libris - Various Publishers - ( /

Moebius - 4x Ex-libris - Various Publishers - ( /

Set of 4 ong>Exong> ong>Librisong> signed by Moebius:- Stardom, AD, 21x29cm format.- Sapristi, format 21x29cm- Bubble Bd, 16x22cm format- Publisher not mentioned, size 13x17cmSending neat, bubble wrap, Raja cardboard packaging, etc...No reserve price. Group purchases, the shipping is free!Shipping in Recommended ong>withong> AR or Recommended International ong>withong> AR. Read more

White Helmet + Ex-Libris - C - TL ()

White Helmet + Ex-Libris - C - TL ()

Beautiful print of the "White Helmet" album produced by Jijé.This draw is limited to 200 copies (No. ).and enriched ong>withong> a Bookplate large format numbered and signed by Grenson.The album is presented in black and white, followed many original boardsand original covers of other albums of Jijé.Size: 28 x 37 cm, 120 pages, back canvas.New condition. Read More

Related products ex libris lot with 5 books on ex libris: White Helmet + Ex-Libris - C - TL ()
Renaud-25 x Ex-libris-Jessica Blandy

Renaud-25 x Ex-libris-Jessica Blandy

Pong>lotong> ong>withong> 25 different autographed bookplates by RenaudJessica BlandyDifferent formatsMinimus format 13 to 18 cmNew State Read More
