economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and

Economic Law and Economic Growth: Antitrust, Regulation, and

Economic Law and Economic Growth: Antitrust, Regulation, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Garvey, George E. / Garvey, Gerald J., PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, This volume provides a practical anwer to, among other question, "Whither public law after the Chicago School'?" Using perspectives from American history, economic theory, an legal analysis, the Garveys take an interdisciplinary approach to U.S. public law and policy--antitrust and regulation--and develop the essential unity of the two major fields based on a clearly written summary of pertinent microeconomic principles. They establish that economic growth has been a primary goal of U.S. public policy throughout the nation's history. The authors provide a thorough critical survey of neopopulism and neoclassicism, the two major post-war impulses in public economic law. An innovative and concrete framework for policy development and for practical institutional reform aimed at improving U.S. industrial competitiveness by improving the capital allocation process is presented here. The highly readable text is complemented by graphics and tables for those who may want a rigorous treatment of economic/legal concepts. The work has been extensively annotated, especially to legal precedents and economic texts. Law school libraries, major public libraries, libraries of law firms, federal courts and superior state courts, as well as university libraries will find Economic Law and Economic Growth a necessary addition. This is a volume that can be productively consulted by practicing lawyers and college/university teachers in the fields of antitrust law, regulation--both lawyers and economists, and public policy. An invaluable addition to courses in antitrust and administrative law, economic policy, the regulatory process, economic development/industrial policy, and political economics.

Economic Growth and Development in Africa

Economic Growth and Development in Africa

Economic Growth and Development in Africa: In recent years, Africa has undergone the longest period of sustained economic growth in the continent's history, drawing the attention of the international media and academics alike. This book analyses the Africa Rising narrative from multidisciplinary perspectives, offering a critical assessment of the explanations given for the poor economic growth and development performance in Africa prior to the millennium and the dramatic shift towards the new Africa. Bringing in perspectives from African intellectuals and scholars, many of whom have previously been overlooked in this debate, the book examines the construction of Africa's economic growth and development portraits over the years. It looks at two institutions that play a vital role in African development, providing a detailed explanation of how the World Bank and the IMF have interpreted and dealt with the African challenges and experiences. The insightful analysis reveals that if Africa is rising, only per cent of Africans are aboard the rising ship, and the main challenge facing the continent today is to bring on board the majority of Africans who have been excluded from growth. This book makes the complex, and sometimes confusing debates on Africa's economic growth experience more accessible to a wide range of readers interested in the Africa story. It is essential reading for students and researchers in African Studies, and will be of great interest to scholars in Development Studies, Political Economy, and Development Economics.

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: Economic Growth and Development in Africa
Dynamic Systems, Economic Growth, and the Environment

Dynamic Systems, Economic Growth, and the Environment

Dynamic Systems, Economic Growth, and the Environment: The major goal of the book is to create an environment for matching different d- ciplinary approaches to studying economic growth. This goal is implemented on the basis of results of the Symposium 'Applications of Dynamic Systems to E- nomic Growth with Environment' which was held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) on the 7th-8th of November, , within the IIASA Project 'Driving Forces of Economic Growth' (ECG). The symposium was organized by coordinators of the ECG project: Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma from IIASA World Population Program, and Tapio Palokangas and Alexander Tarasyev from IIASA Dynamic Systems Program. The book addresses the issues of sustainability of economic growth in a cha- ing environment, global warming and exhausting energy resources, technological change, and also focuses on explanations of signi cant uctuations in countries' growth rates. The chapters focus on the analysis of historical economic growth - periences in relation to environmental policy, technological change, development of transport infrastructure, population issues and environmental mortality. The book is written in a popular-science style, accessible to any intelligent lay reader. The prime audience for the book is economists, mathematicians and en- neersworkingonproblemsofeconomicgrowthandenvironment.Themathematical part of the book is presented in a rigorous manner, and the detailed analysis is - pected to be of interest to specialists in optimal control and applications to economic modeling. The book consists of four interrelated parts.

British Economic Growth  (Cambridge Monographs) Hardcover- by Phyllis Deane and W.A Cole

British Economic Growth (Cambridge Monographs) Hardcover- by Phyllis Deane and W.A Cole

Original monograph by Phyllis Deane and W.A Cole. Useful for history and economics students. Very good condition for its age. See other ads for similar books. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: British Economic Growth (Cambridge Monographs) Hardcover- by Phyllis Deane and W.A Cole
Economic Apartheid In America: A Primer On Economic

Economic Apartheid In America: A Primer On Economic

Revised following the presidential election,a graphic portrait of the growing gap between the rich and everyone else in America. In ,African Americans earned 55 cents for every dollar of white income. At the current pace,it would take 581 years for African Americans to achieve income parity. States including Alabama,Tennessee,and Virginia tax food and basic needs at a higher rate than income from investments. Welfare for very low income people totaled $193 billion

Introduction to Economic Growth (second edition)

Introduction to Economic Growth (second edition)

Charles I.Jones Second edition Collect from N1 although can deliver if within Central London

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: Introduction to Economic Growth (second edition)
Innovation in India: Combining Economic Growth With

Innovation in India: Combining Economic Growth With

Examines the evolution of sectoral system of innovation in industries that are important to India's economic development --

Growth with Equity: Economic Policymaking for the Next

Growth with Equity: Economic Policymaking for the Next

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baily, Martin Neil / Burtless, Gary / Litan, Robert E., PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, For nearly two decades the U.S. economy has been plagued by two disturbing economic trends: the slowdown in the growth rates of productivity and average real wages and the increase in wage and income inequality. The federal budget is in chronic deficit. Imports have far exceeded exports for more than a decade. American competitiveness has been a source of concern for even longer. Many Americans worry that foreigners are buying up U.S. companies, that the economy is losing its manufacturing base, and that the gap between rich and poor is widening. In this book three of the nation's most noted economists look at the primary reasons for these trends and assess which of the many suggestions for change in policy - whether for increased tax incentives for investment, education reform, or accelerated research and development - are likely to work and which may not work and could even hinder economic development. The author's discuss a variety of issues connected with deindustrialization and diminished competitiveness, distinguishing between problems that would be of real concern and those that should not. They evaluate explanations for slow growth in aggregate productivity in the United States and its relation to slower growth in other industrialized countries. They discuss the performance of the various sectors of the U.S. economy and systematically examine the evidence for and against the major proposals for correcting the adverse trends in productivity and inequity. Growth With Equity clearly explains how the country can accomplish the challenge of accelerating growth and narrowing the gap that separates the rich from the poor. While recognizing that some of their recommendations may bepolitically painful, the authors stress the importance of adopting a purposeful, long-range policy to encourage growth, ensure equity, and reduce the government's equity.

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: Growth with Equity: Economic Policymaking for the Next
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific :

Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific :

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: United Nations, PUBLISHER: United Nations, The region's oldest and most comprehensive annual review of economic and social developments forecasts the external environment in Asia-Pacific to be less favourable in , but sees continued dynamism despite risks of further oil price shocks, and a sharp depreciation of the US dollar. The Survey warns that interventions by monetary authorities to keep currencies down are leading to inflated asset values, especially in housing and equity markets. Managing exchange rates will be the biggest challenge facing Asia-Pacific economies in . Publishing Agency: United Nations. Buy Now

Economic Development - Tadora and Smith

Economic Development - Tadora and Smith

Never used Economic Development degree level book. Just like new condition. 12th edition Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: Economic Development - Tadora and Smith
Transport investment and economic development

Transport investment and economic development

Book by David banister and Joseph berechman. For sale Used but in good condition Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Foreign Policy and Economic Dependence

Foreign Policy and Economic Dependence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richardson, Neil R., PUBLISHER: University of Texas Press, In an era of increasing interdependence among nations, the foreign policies of poor countries are becoming a subject of critical interest to scholars and the public alike. Neil R. Richardson adopts a political economy perspective to examine the foreign policy repercussions of international economic dependence. Are dependent countries compliant in their foreign policies, acquiescing to the preferences of the industrial giants on which they rely for foreign trade, investment, and aid revenues? Or are they instead prepared to defy their dominant economic partners? These are the major concerns of Richardson's rigorous investigation. The book begins with a characterization of economic dependence and its possible impact on the foreign policy decisions of dependent governments. Ideas from both "interdependence" and dependencia scholarship are extracted in order to explain the reliance of poor countries on their rich partners. These economics are linked to the foreign policies of poorer countries by considering how the mechanisms of dependence may create pressures on foreign policymakers. Several combinations of pressures are plausible, and each set yields a differing expectation about their foreign policies. The second part of the book is an empirical test of these foreign policy predictions for the years . Richardson analyzes the foreign policy behavior (as reflected in certain votes in the United Nations General Assembly) of a number of poor countries that are economically dependent on the United States to varying degrees. The results suggest several surprising conclusions. Contrary to one common assumption, these mostly Latin American and Caribbean countries are not necessarily locked into a condition of perpetual dependence. Richardson finds that the foreign policies of the economic dependencies are not easily manipulated by the United States. Not only do annual changes in their external economic reliance fail to correspond to their U.N. voting behavior, but the dependencies as a group are no longer clear voting allies of the United States after the late s. These and other results bear theoretical and policy implications that conclude the book. Foreign Policy and Economic Dependence will be of interest to specialists in quantitative international relations and American foreign policy.

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: Foreign Policy and Economic Dependence
Economic Inquiry and Its Logic (Paperback)

Economic Inquiry and Its Logic (Paperback)

This volume presents a collection of Buchanan’s most representative works in economic method and analysis. As Robert D. Tollison points out in his foreword,?[Included] in this volume are some of [Buchanan’s] most often cited works on methodology,including papers reflecting his emphasis on the subjective nature of opportunity costs and the implications of this subjectivity for economic analysis.” The works collected in this volume also demonstrate Buchanan’s inte

Economic and Social History of England,

Economic and Social History of England,

Economic and Social History of England, By Richard Benjamin Jones Published by Longmans Cover has some wear but otherwise the condition is very good Read More

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Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis (Paperback)

Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis (Paperback)

The third edition of this highly accessible book is designed for people who want to understand how multinational firms ?work? and what their consequences for the economy and for political choices are. It is designed to be readily useful to students of economics and business administration and to scholars (teachers and researchers) with interests in multinational enterprises.

Economic and Social History of England,

Economic and Social History of England,

Economic and Social History of England, By Richard Benjamin Jones Published by Longmans Cover has some wear but otherwise the condition is very good Read more

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: Economic and Social History of England,
The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Economic

The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Economic

ISBN No.: Publisher: Koros Press The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Contributors/Editors: Felix-Fernando Munoz, Maria-Isabel ENCINAR, et al. Publisher: Koros Press Pub. Date: Price: £

British Economic and Social History rd Ed)

British Economic and Social History rd Ed)

British Economic and Social History Can post email me for details Discount given if more than one item ordered. Read more

Related products economic law and economic growth antitrust regulation and: British Economic and Social History rd Ed)
Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development in China:

Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development in China:

This book investigates the causes and socio-economic effects of foreign direct investment in the Dongguan municipality of southern China during the s. Based on comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research,it illustrates that the inflow of of foreign capital has both desirable and undesirable socio-economic effects. Yeung proposes a new dynamic symbiosis paradigm of foreign direct investment in order to illuminate the complex political and socio-economic relationships of the area.

From Teamwork to Excellence: Labor and Economic Factors

From Teamwork to Excellence: Labor and Economic Factors

From Teamwork to Excellence: Labor and Economic Factors Affecting Educators demonstrates how time and talent can be used effectively in the various roles found in PK-12,with one chapter addressing time management in higher education. This text could be utilized in Schools of Education as a required or optional textbook; as a tool for school leaders who plan professional development; as a resource to the public to better understand the world of education t

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The Politics of Policies: Economic and Social Progress in

The Politics of Policies: Economic and Social Progress in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Inter-American Development Bank, Development Bank / Int-Amer Dev Bank, Dev Bank / Inter-American Development Bank, PUBLISHER: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American S, This volume appears after more than a decade of political and economic reforms in Latin America. The success of these reforms--and the quality of public policies--has varied widely. As a result, it has become clear that good policy "recipes" are not enough. Specific policy recipes, no matter how well conceived, are necessary but not sufficient for success. Only by improving the policymaking process can we expect sustainable improvements in public policies and in their impact on development and people's lives. This study analyzes how the workings of the policymaking process affect the quality of policy outcomes. It looks beyond a purely technocratic approach to policymaking, delving into the messy world of politics. It argues that the political process and the policymaking process are inseparable, and that failing to understand one risks failure with the other. It offers a wide variety of examples and case studies, using an analytical framework that can help explain why policies that work in certain institutional environments may not work in others. The study also yields useful insights for the design of effective policy reform.

Gender,Work,and Family in a Chinese Economic Zone: Laboring

Gender,Work,and Family in a Chinese Economic Zone: Laboring

This book examines the dynamics of power within the families of married women who have migrated from rural areas to China's Dalian Economic Zone. Engaging the question of whether waged work gives women power in their families,this ethnographic study finds that women do indeed use their new positions and urban status to negotiate their family status. However,women use these new resources not necessarily to promote their own individual liberation,but rather to strengthen their contribution as wives and,e

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Science and Risk Regulation in International Law (Hardcover)

Science and Risk Regulation in International Law (Hardcover)

The regulation of risk is a preoccupation of contemporary global society and an increasingly important part of international law in areas ranging from environmental protection to international trade. This book examines a key aspect of international risk regulation-the way in which science and technical expertise are used in reaching decisions about how to assess and manage global risks. An interdisciplinary analysis is employed to illuminate how science has been used international legal processes and global

bosch economic fridge

bosch economic fridge

i have a bosch economic deep fridge in great full working condition all clean and ready to go Read More

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Business/Economic Books

Business/Economic Books

Business/Economics Books Open to offers Collection only (Bromley) Read More
