Dulieu, Jean - 3 original pen drawings of Paulus, Eucalypta,
In ong>theong> Second World War, Jan van Oort () created ong>theong> Paulus ong>theong> woodgnome comic character; from ong>theong> adventures ong>ofong> Paulus were published in newspaper Het Vrije Volk. Van Oort called himself ong>Jeanong> ong>Dulieuong> (French translation ong>ofong> Jan van Oort). Eventually, around daily strips would be made between and . In addition to ong>theong>se newspapers publications, Paulus also appeared in a large number ong>ofong> magazines and children's books, in colour and in many countries. ong>Jeanong> ong>Dulieuong> received many awards for his work and is considered among ong>theong> three foremost Dutch illustrators ong>ofong> his time, togeong>theong>r with Marten Toonder and Hans G. Kresse. ong>Dulieuong> was an all-rounder, a versatile artist with unlimited talent and skills who always aimed for ong>theong> highest quality in his work.His sheer virtuosity, skills and talent kept pace with his pursuit ong>ofong> perfection. For his ong>drawingsong> ong>Dulieuong> made many sketches - usually in ong>penong> and ink - in order to find ong>theong> perfect composition, proportion, facial expressions and posture.This lot contains 3 original ong>penong> ong>drawingsong> ong>ofong> Paulus, Eucalypta, Oehoeboeroe, ong>Salomoong> and Krakras, made for one ong>ofong> ong>theong> Paulus ong>theong> woodgnome publications. Please admire ong>theong> virtuosity in ong>theong> sketched lines. Only ong>theong> greatest artists are able to create work like this. A true masterpiece for ong>theong> connoisseur. Read More