drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card

Drift Stealth 2 Action camera + Water proof case + 32GB SD Card

Drift Stealth 2 Action camera + Water proof case + 32GB SD Card

In perfect condition, bought it never got round to using it. Bought for the camera for ÂŁ100 the case for ÂŁ20 and the SD card for ÂŁ 10 so good deal here at ÂŁ100. Has one adhesive mount. ÂŁ100 ONO Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Drift Stealth 2 Action camera

Drift Stealth 2 Action camera

Drift Stealth 2 Action Camera, unwanted gift, complete with box, charger and mounts. Used a couple of times, excellent condition. Camera in Glenarm. Ad ID:

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Drift Stealth 2 Action camera
Drift stealth 2 action camera

Drift stealth 2 action camera

Drift stealth 2 used as helmet camera. Bought 2 months ago. No curved adhesive mount as it has been used but the flat one has not Feel free to ask any questions. I can post for a cost Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Drift stealth 2 action camera

Drift stealth 2 action camera

Drift stealth 2 used as helmet camera. Bought 2 months ago. No curved adhesive mount as it has been used but the flat one has not Feel free to ask any questions. I can post for a cost Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Drift stealth 2 action camera
Drift Stealth 2 Action Camera

Drift Stealth 2 Action Camera

Brand new and unused. Box has been opened to check it works. Comes with various attachments. Bought to attach to my motorcycle helmet but binned my bike and never got around to using it. Priced to sell.....NO OFFERS! Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Drift stealth 2 HD action camera

Drift stealth 2 HD action camera

Good quality, compact action camera. Tested, never properly used, bought to use on my helmet while riding my motorbike, but the bike died before I got the chance to use it properly. Not planning on getting a new motorcycle anytime soon, hence reason for sale. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Drift stealth 2 HD action camera
Drift stealth 2 HD action camera

Drift stealth 2 HD action camera

Drift stealth 2 HD action camera - used only once (to record the attached movie). In box and in full working condition. I have stuck a piece of velcro at the bottom (to attached to my helmet) but this can easily be removed. Fixed price, no offers and no shipping.

Go Pro Hero 4 Silver touch-screen action camera with accessories, 32Gb micro SD card and hard case

Go Pro Hero 4 Silver touch-screen action camera with accessories, 32Gb micro SD card and hard case

This is a rarely used GoPro Hero 4 Silver high definition (up to 4K) action cam with touch-screen display. The full list of what you will get with this kit is as follows: - GoPro Hero 4 Silver camera - User Guide (English section) - 32GB Sandisk 'Ultra' micro SD card - Waterproof housing with 2 additional backs for different depths underwater - Frame for mounting the camera without the waterproof housing (see photo) - Protective lens cover for when using the frame - Various mounts for the camera (non-GoPro brands) - Vented cycle helmet mount and straps - Solid helmet mounts with adhesive pads - Tripod mount - Battery charger and 2 spare batteries - 2 charging / computer cables - Hard-cover case with foam cut-out insert (non-GoPro brand) (Selling because I've recently purchased the new Hero 5 Black) This is what the adverts say about this camera: Capture your world in an all new way with HERO4 Silver, the first ever GoPro to feature a built in touch display. Controlling the camera, framing shots and playing back content is now ultra-convenient just view, tap and swipe the screen. HERO4 Silver captures p60 and 720p120 video with life like clarity, plus 12MP photos at a staggering 30 frames per second. New experience-enhancing features include HiLight Tag, which lets you tag video highlights for easy playback, editing and sharing, and QuikCapture, which allows you to power on the camera and start recording with the press of a single button. Waterproof to m), HERO4 Silver combines versatility and pro-quality capture with the convenience of a touch display. Whether you are racing your car around Brands Hatch or whether you want to catch your Motocross race, the Motorsports Edition is for you, coming with all the essential mounts to cope with your bike or car. Another great feature that GoPro have added is the new HiLight features. This enables you to mark key moments while recording so you can quickly locate your best clips later for convenient playback, editing or sharing using the GoPro App or GoPro Studio. Like the GoPro 3+, GoPro have updated the view to allow for the worlds most immersive wide angle perspectives. It allows you to capture more of yourself and your surroundings in the shot-resulting in captivating, ultra engaging footage of every adventure. A new camera control button has been added to the Hero4 and it is a dedicated button that allows you to quickly and easily access and adjust camera settings. The Hero4 Silver is a great action sports video camera and it allows you to not just take the video but upload it to your computer to then be edited and made into a short film. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Go Pro Hero 4 Silver touch-screen action camera with accessories, 32Gb micro SD card and hard case
   Drift HD170 Stealth Action Camera

  Drift HD170 Stealth Action Camera

The camera works well, it has been carefully looked after. never dropped or allowed to get wet. It comes with all the original accessories supplied and the battery has been upgraded to Expanded Capacity mAh type, plus a separate mains charger. Also the memory card has been upgraded to 32 gb for increased recording time. The Quick Guide Handbook is complemented by a downloaded Full Instruction Manual. (No reserve has been applied) Complete In Original Box with all accessories + extras

Drift HD170 stealth action camera

Drift HD170 stealth action camera

Drift innovation HD 170 stealth action camera.in original box.as shown in photo. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Drift HD170 stealth action camera
Drift HD170 stealth action camera

Drift HD170 stealth action camera

Drift innovation HD 170 stealth action camera.in original box.as shown in photo. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit



HD mini camera Waterproof case USB cable Instructions Headband Helmet mount Bike mount Brand new Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: NEW HD MINI ACTION CAMERA & WATER PROOF CASE
   Drift Stealth II HD Action Camera Motion

  Drift Stealth II HD Action Camera Motion

        Börjes Bikers Outfit   Augustfehn GmbH & Co. KG Stahlwerkstr. 17 a Augustfehn Tel: Fax:   Ust.ID: DE Steuer Nr. HRA - Amtsgericht Oldenburg GF: Dieter Börjes, Lars Eyhusen       allgemeine & unverbindliche GrĂ¶ĂŸentabelle Damen-GrĂ¶ĂŸen Brust- Taillen- Schritt-   umfang umfang lĂ€nge Gr.         Damen-SondergrĂ¶ĂŸen Brust- Taillen- Schritt-   umfang umfang lĂ€nge Gr. Herren-GrĂ¶ĂŸen Brust- Taillen- Schritt-   umfang umfang lĂ€nge Gr. Herren-SondergrĂ¶ĂŸen Brust- Taillen- Schritt-   umfang umfang lĂ€nge Gr. American-Sizing Brust- Taillen- Schritt-   umfang umfang lĂ€nge Gr. XS S M L XL XXL XXXL XL Helm-GrĂ¶ĂŸen Kopfumfang in cm   XXXS     XXS     XS     S     M     L     XL     XXL     XXXL       Drift Stealth II HD Action Camera Motion Cam Helmkamera   Farbe:   UVP des Herstellers:           Euro      Weitere Modelle und Marken finden Sie in unserem UNSEREM SHOP       Small Camera. Big World. Kompakt, funktional und benutzerfreundlich Halbe GrĂ¶ĂŸe - Die kleinste und leichteste Drift Kamera aller Zeiten. 40% leichter - Kompakt und aerodynamisch. p bei 30 fps & 720p bei 60 fps - Kristallklare Aufnahmen in FullHD. 300° drehbare Linse - In jedem Winkel montieren, immer gerade Filmen. Wi-Fi Verbindung - Volle Kontrolle der Kamera ĂŒber das Smartphone.* Benutzerfreundlich - Intuitive Bedienung, farbiger Bildschirm und LED-Anzeige. Akkulaufzeit - mAh ermöglicht 3 h Aufnahmezeit bei. Drift Innovation prĂ€sentiert mit der neuen Drift Stealth 2 nicht nur seine bereits 8. Kamerageneration, sondern gleichzeitig auch die bisher kleinste und leichteste Drift Kamera aller Zeiten. Mit ihren erstaunlichen Maßen von lediglich 80 x 42.6 x 27.4 mm und einem Gewicht von nur 97 g passt die Kamera in jede Hosentasche! Die hochwertig gefertigte Linse besteht aus 7 Elementen, verfĂŒgt ĂŒber ein 135° weites Blickfeld und liefert nun noch schĂ€rfere und detailgetreuere Videos. Die Stealth 2 filmt in p bei 30 Bildern pro Sekunde – verarbeitet von einem Aptina CMOS Sensor, der kristallklare Full HD Aufnahmen produziert. Die beeindruckende Akkulaufzeit von 3 Stunden, die drehbare Linse und das aerodynamische Design machen die Stealth 2 zu einer einzigartigen Helm- und Actionkamera. Zudem ist durch das mehrfarbig beleuchtete Display und die LED-Anzeige an der Oberseite stets leicht abzulesen, in welchem Aufnahmemodus die Kamera sich gerade befindet.  Die “Drift Connect“ App ist fĂŒr iOS und Android GerĂ€te verfĂŒgbar und bietet die perfekte ErgĂ€nzung zur Stealth 2. Sie dient als Werkzeug um Einstellungen zu Ă€ndern, Aufnahmen aus der Ferne itzuverfolgen, Fotos zu schießen, zur Videowiedergabe oder als Möglichkeit, die eingefangenen Erlebnisse ĂŒber ein mobiles GerĂ€t mit Freunden zu teilen. Durch den mitgelieferten Universal-Clip ist die Stealth 2 mit dem kompletten Drift Montage-Zubehör kompatibel. Zwei weitere Zubehörteile, die Sie sich keinesfalls entgehen lassen sollten, sind das wasserdichte GehĂ€use und die Drift 2-Wege-Fernbedienung. Ersteres macht die bereits spritzwasserfeste Stealth 2 nun auch wasserdicht und ermöglicht TauchgĂ€nge bis in 40 m Tiefe. Die 2-Wege-Fernbedienung kann komfortabel am Handgelenk befestigt werden, ermöglicht eine einfache Navigation durch die Kamera und informiert – wie auch die LED-Anzeige an der Stealth 2 selbst â€“ synchron ĂŒber den aktuell gewĂ€hlten Aufnahmemodus, was die Bedienung noch einfacher macht.  Lieferumfang: Drift Stealth 2 Kamera Universal Clip Brillenhalterung Flache Klebehalterung Gebogene Klebehalterung Micro USB-Kabel Bedienungsanleitung -------------- SMALL CAMERA. BIG WORLD. Introducing it’s 8th generation of cameras, the Drift Stealth 2 is the smallest and lightest Drift camera yet. Coming in at 80 mm (3.15") x 42 mm (1.65")  x 27 mm (1.06") and only 97 g, this small camera can be carried with you anywhere and everywhere, so you are always ready to capture life from your perspective. The high quality 7-element lens provides an optical 137° field of view, no longer using a digital narrow angle, so objects appear closer and sharper. The Stealth 2 films in p at 30 fps with its Aptina CMOS sensor producing crystal clear high definition footage. The 3 hours recording time, rotatable lens and aerodynamic design make the Drift Stealth 2 a unique POV camera. With its colour coded screen and LED you always know which camera mode you are in, creating a user friendly experience. TIP! Add the Drift 2-Way Remote for max. usability and the Stealth 2 Waterproof Case to take your camera under water to the depths up to 40 m! HALF THE SIZE - THE SMALLEST DRIFT EVER! Take your Stealth 2 with you and capture all  the unforgettable adventures and memorable times of your life! With a size of only 80 mm (3.15") x 42 mm (1.65")  x 27 mm (1.06") it's just half of the Drift Ghost-S, which makes it fit in nearly every pocket. Capture life from your perspective and use it not only for adventurous action, but also for spontaneous trips and relaxed hangout sessions. 40% LIGHTER - COMPACT AND AERODYNAMIC! With it's super light weight of only 97 g (3.42 oz) the Drift Stealth 2 does literally live up to it's name as one of the lightest action cameras on the market. Easliy mounted to the full range of Drift mounts using the Drift Universal Clip (or to any other mounting system using the Stealth 2's universal ÂŒ" thread), you won't even feel the camera on your body or helmet. EASY TO USE! The Drift Stealth 2 does not only feature our already well-known status LED on the front, but also a colour coded screen showing you which camera mode you are currently using. In addition, this 1.3" Mono Graphic Backlit LCD allows you to easily manage your camera covering all important settings at the touch of a button. To make your Stealth 2 even easier to use, it is fully compatible with the Drift 2-Way Remote Control. RECORD LIFE - IN CRYSTAL CLEAR FULL HD! Capture your adventures in magnificent Full HD (p at up to 30 fps) or create spectacular slow-motion shots at 720p and up to 60 fps. The Stealth 2's high quality 7-element lens provides an optical 135° field of view, no longer using a digital narrow angle, so objects appear even closer and sharper. 300° ROTATING LENS - MOUNT IT ANYWHERE! Never change a proven concept! The 300° continuously rotatable lens allows you to mount your Stealth 2 in all conceivable positions, and yet still provides a straight image. So just plug the camera into the mount, set the lens and get started - no angles, no screws! LONG LIFE BATTERY - 3 HOURS OF RECORDING! Since day one, a long recording time has always been one of Drift's most important focuses when producing an action camera. To provide both maximum battery life together with minimum camera size, the Stealth 2 features an integrated mAh battery giving you 3 hours of recording time at p. Easily charge your camera using any conventional USB wall charger or directly plug it into your computer. Content Drift Stealth 2 Action Camera Curved and Flat Surface Mounts Goggle Mount Universal Clip Micro USB Cable Quick Guide     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Versandkosten: DEUTSCHLAND: Versand 5,- innerhalb Deutschlands bei einem Einkauf ab 50,-kostenlos. Nachnahme 13,- Euro inkl. aller GebĂŒhren. EUROPA (EU-LĂ€nder): Versandkosten in EU LĂ€nder betragen 17,- Euro. Keine Nachnahme möglich !  EUROPA (Nicht-EU-LĂ€nder) Versandkosten in europĂ€ische Nicht-EU-LĂ€nder betragen 30,- Euro. Keine Nachnahme möglich! Zahlung: per Überweisung, Nachnahme (nur in Deutschland), Paypal oder Bar bei Abholung.

Innovation Drift Stealth 170 HD Action Camera

Innovation Drift Stealth 170 HD Action Camera

In original box with spare battery, wireless remote and memory card. Full working condition and includes leads and carry case. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Innovation Drift Stealth 170 HD Action Camera
GoPro HERO5 Action Camera Black 4k 12MP waterproof + micro sd card 32GB

GoPro HERO5 Action Camera Black 4k 12MP waterproof + micro sd card 32GB

I'm selling a brand new gopro 5 black edition with a 32 GB micro sd card. Any questions feel free to ask. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Yi Lite camera action 4K water proof case new sealed

Yi Lite camera action 4K water proof case new sealed

4K camera new sealed boxed. Comes with all the kit. Contact jay on Visit Stylo 113 ilford lane Ilford Ig1 2rj Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Yi Lite camera action 4K water proof case new sealed


Hi BARGAIN DRIFT STEALTH 2HD ACTION CAMERA P brand new full working camera 120ÂŁ or beast offer Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Drift HD170 Stealth Action Camera not GoPro Hero

Drift HD170 Stealth Action Camera not GoPro Hero

Selling the camera due lack of use. It comes with what you see in the photo. The 2 extra batteries hold up to 5h of recording (each), and the normal one up to 3h. Some details of the camera: New chip allows users to shoot fps in 720p or fps in p. Maximum Video Resolution: p High Definition SD Memory Capacity up to 32GB; Photo 5 megapixel with Photoburst Mode 1.5 Inch LCD; Water Resistant; 170 Degree Rotatable Lens Wireless Remote Control; Built In Mic

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Drift HD170 Stealth Action Camera not GoPro Hero
DP Power HDP Water proof action camera with 64 GB memory card and accessories

DP Power HDP Water proof action camera with 64 GB memory card and accessories

Got this Go Pro-like camera with accessories (all sorts of mounts that can attach the camera everywhere) and 64GB memory stick that i bought separately. bought not long ago and only used twice. Very good condition. Inbox if interested. Thanks. Can be delivered but buyer pays the postage. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Drift Stealth 2 Action Cam

Drift Stealth 2 Action Cam

Excellent condition, less than 1 year old. Includes everything except for helmet mount. Includes 32GB Sandisk memory card. 3 Hour battery life Grab yourself a great camera for a bargain price...ÂŁ70 More information can be found on the Drift website. Ad ID:

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Drift Stealth 2 Action Cam
Polaroid Cube HD Action Camera - & water proof case & suction mount - brand new

Polaroid Cube HD Action Camera - & water proof case & suction mount - brand new

Polaroid Cube HD Action Camera - & water proof case & suction mount - brand new You're welcome to come and have a look Collection from Xchange 4 Cash 52 Gold Street Northampton Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit



/5: /5: /5

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card:   DRIFT INNOVATION STEALTH 2 SPORTS ACTION
SONY RX100 MkMP Digital Camera with case, original box & 32gb Transcend SD card

SONY RX100 MkMP Digital Camera with case, original box & 32gb Transcend SD card

Sony RX100 camera mark 2. Barely used! Only bought for a trip to indonesia. Great images! Some cosmetic scratches on the body. Functionality is perfect. Comes with box, cables, a brown leather case, and a 32gb Transcend SDHC card. ÂŁ350 OVNO. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Sony RX100 II 20.2MP Camera WITH 32GB SD Card, Case and Joby Tripod

Sony RX100 II 20.2MP Camera WITH 32GB SD Card, Case and Joby Tripod

For Sale: - Sony RX100 II, great condition - 32 GB Sandisk SD Card - Joby Tripod All together worth over ÂŁ400!! Selling do not use it enough, still fantastic condition as seen in pictures, screen immaculate!! Read less Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products drift stealth 2 action camera water proof case 32gb sd card: Sony RX100 II 20.2MP Camera WITH 32GB SD Card, Case and Joby Tripod
drift stealth 2 camera

drift stealth 2 camera

drift stealth 2 action camera/video. unopened, unwanted gift Read More
