2used R 907 campingaz, Dont get caurght out on you...
2used R 907 campong>inong>gaz, ong>Dontong> ong>getong> caurght out on you holls.These usualy sell for £30 each. Ready to ong>getong> filled up. These can be refiled ong>inong> Europe.ong>Inong>tended for regular use or for extended operatong>inong>g time, this cylong>inong>der is equipped with a safety valve and can be unscrewed from the appliance when not empty.It is available and can be exchanged ong>inong> most European countriesThe Campong>inong>gaz 907 canister will hold 2.75kg of pure butane gas, and has a high-security valve that will prevent any leaks durong>inong>g connection and disconnection. Maong>inong>ly required with larger stoves, BBQs and burners, it needs a screw-on butane regulator to attach to a hose, to connect to your appliance. £, Gloucester, .