Doctor Who Book - The Doctor: His Lives and Times
ong>Theong> ong>bookong> is hardcover and measures cm and is in good condition although ong>theong> cover sleeve is showing a little wear on ong>theong> edges (see photos). Included is an Ice Warrior figure which is in perfect condition. This is a must have ong>bookong> for ong>Doctorong> ong>ong>Whoong>ong> fans. It contains loads of interesting snippets - including news releases and recollections, but also ong>infoong>rmation from ong>theong> friends and foes that ong>theong> ong>Doctorong> has met over all ong>theong> years, reports on Cybermen activity, newspaper clippings of ong>theong> finding of Dodo and loads of oong>theong>r things like this. Each ong>Doctorong> has his own section; his story is told by someone ong>ong>whoong>ong> knew him, for example Fenric tells of ong>theong> Seventh ong>Doctorong>, Sarah Jane and K9 of ong>theong> Fourth ong>Doctorong>, Victoria of ong>theong> Second ong>Doctorong>. ong>Theong>re are mementoes from ong>theong>ir `time' such as `newspaper clippings' of events. We even get to read ong>theong> ong>Doctorong>'s Academy report for ong>theong> class of 92, where he failed driving. Each section ong>theong>n continues with ong>theong> actor playing ong>theong> ong>Doctorong> telling of ong>theong>ir role, and oong>theong>rs of ong>theong> time telling of that ong>Doctorong>'s era - producers, writers, actors etc. ong>Theong>re are also heaps of photos from ong>theong> series. Ad ID: