Are you a carer in the Poole/ Bournemouth area? Do you need
We are a growing team of caring, compassionate and friendly care sitters based in Poole, ong>Doong>rset. We provide a sitting service for ong>theong> elderly, and adults with special needs, within ong>theong> Poole and Bournemouth area. Our rates are £10 per hour, Monday to Sunday (Minimum of 1 hour per day). Daily activity record included, so ong>youong> can have written account of all activities undertaken throughout ong>theong> day. Male and female sitters are available, please specify and we will be happy to provide. All sitters are police (DBS) checked. Our service includes: - Visiting individuals on returning home from hospital - Keeping someone company for a few hours, while carers/ family members are away, running errands or resting. - Providing light snacks/ meals and refreshments. - ong>Doong>ing ong>theong> shopping, or assisting ong>theong> service user with shopping (driver available, if required) - Collecting prescriptions. Please note, we ong>doong> not provide personal care. If ong>youong> feel that ong>youong> could benefit from a sitting service, and are in ong>theong> Poole or Bournemouth area, ong>doong> not hesitate to contact us and tell us ong>youong>r needs.