Details about Neue Schule Universal Pony Bit 5"
ong>Useong>d but great condition. ong>Neueong> ong>Schuleong> Pony Trans Angled Universal ong>Bitong> 5" width 10mm diameter mouthpiece The brilliant all rounder, control without severity, a handy piece of kit. All of the pony cheeks are scaled down in proportion with the neat pony mouthpieces. The NS Universal offers control without discomong>forong>t or severity. It is brilliant ong>forong> faster work such as jumping etc as you can turn much more easily and it generally eliminates the head toss when asking ong>forong> a downward transition, or lengthening and shortening in between fences. If you need to upgrade from a snaffle, it is highly recommended as you are staying with a mild mouthpiece but subtly employing other pressure points. There are four rein options including the curb strap and Pelham roundings.