Details about Balancing Rein Dressage/schoo ling
The training system helps develop neck and back muscles. It encourages the horse to work in an outline which teaches self carriage. It does not just pull your horses head in, there are pulleys and rubber through the system which gives, therefore encouraging your horse into an outline. This system is fantastic for assisting muscle build up in the correct places whilst allowing the horse to stretch. The ropes and pulleys encourage a forward motion from the hind leg helping balance and self carriage. Reins are not included. It should not be used permanently/every time you ride, this is a training aid it does not replace good schooling but it assists in the quest for a well schooled horse. As with all training aids, The Balancer should be properly fitted, used with the horse fully warmed up and for SHORT periods. Use entirely at you own risk. Not recommended for jumping.