Solid Teak hand carved music cabinet in Stoke On Trent
Solid Teak hand carved ong>musicong> ong>cabong>inong>etong> Unique piece of vong>inong>tage bespoke solid teak waxed furniture, hand made ong>inong> Song>inong>gapore durong>inong>g . For it's age, the unit is ong>inong> good condition. The front of the unit has been hand carved depictong>inong>g a Malaysian village house on the centre door, and local ong>fiong>shermen on the two outer doors. Size:- 122cm W, 48cm D and 67cm H. The four legs are detachable. Two small cracks, but can easily be ong>fiong>lled and smoothed. - One bottom left of ong>hiong>nge centre door and one on the rear right of ong>hiong>nged centre top. The top of the ong>cabong>inong>etong> would beneong>fiong>t from re-waxong>inong>g, wong>hiong>ch would restore it's natural beauty. If you want a ong>musicong> ong>cabong>inong>etong> that is a one off, then tong>hiong>s is for you. Reason for sellong>inong>g - Purchased replacement furniture.