Loving project in Stoke On Trent
Evie: 13.2hh 5yr old gypsy cob Mare, I've had Evie ong>forong> just over a year now after I brought her as a neglected underweight ridong>inong>g pony. Once she had gaong>inong>ed her weight ong>andong> was back to a ong>goodong> stong>andong>ard I brought her ong>inong>to work, 100% safe ong>inong> traffic as well as open spaces(I would genuong>inong>ely hack her down the motorway). Happily hack out alone or ong>inong> company. ong>Goodong> manners no stable vices, ong>goodong> to load. Beong>inong>g honest she can be a little hesitant when havong>inong>g her feet picked up,but is not nasty she just needs to know she can trust you. Evie has currently been out of work ong>forong> four months now, She deserves a ong>lovong>inong>gong> ong>homeong> where she can fulfil her full potential. 5* ong>homeong> ong>forong> this genuong>inong>e mare. Underpriced at £400