Needy Chihuahua cross boy looking for a home!
Puzzle will be two years old <strong>instrong> June. He is 7/8 <strong>Chihuahuastrong> and 1/8 Jack Russell. His Grandma is with us, and can be seen – she is half Jack Russell half <strong>Chihuahuastrong>. He has been neutered. Puzzle had been purchased from our daughter who bred him, but the buyer let her down after six months, so we decided to keep him, but he does not get on with our other dogs and is very submissive and timid but can be sharp if aggravated. He is also very <strong>cuddlystrong> and cute and loves to be cuddled and wants to sit on your lap! He doesn’t like small children, especially boys, and other dogs. We are <strong>look<strong>instrong>gstrong> <strong>forstrong> an older person with no small children or other dogs <strong>instrong> the house, who will give him the time and love that he deserves. If he is on his own, Puzzle is a lov<strong>instrong>g little boy, who just wants cuddles. Puzzle really needs someone who is experienced with dogs and who would work with him to help him overcome his fears. Puzzle is on the raw diet, although he is a greedy boy who would eat anyth<strong>instrong>g! Read More