Cube Access WLS Race Mountain Bike
Basically as new hardtail mountain bike. It's a 16" frame with 27.5" wheels. Bike was bought for my gf so she could go trail riding with me but she never has and this has just sat in the shed never used. This retails as a £500 bike and was the best spec we could find at this price point. Highlights include Suntour XCR front forks with remote lock out, Schwalbe Smart Sam tyres, Shimano Deore gearset and front and rear disc brakes. This is a very capable bike! Everything is spotless and in like new condition, also included are front and rear usb rechargeable bike lights, a muckynutz front mud guard and CRUD rear mid guard. A white bike helmet with integrated rear led will also come with the bike, basically everything you need to get started! Looking for £400 ono Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit