Yepp / Thule Crossbar bike seat - immaculate.
Yepp (design now bought by Thule) Kid's crossbar bike seat. For kids up to 15Kg, This seat means your child gets to see the view rather than your derriere, and you can keep an eye on them. Also allows use of "behind saddle" fittings like other seat or trail gator / tow bike type The seat is in good condition, and comes with both clamp and "under headset nut" fittings (if you and your partner have a bike of each type the seat can be transferred between the two bikes) the seat has always been kept indoors when not in use, as can be seen by the pics. Seat comes with 2 keys to lock it to the mount when the bike is unattended. New this seat will cost you in the region of £75 without the clamp fitting. I regularly travel between Stirling and East Kilbride, so I can deliver for free to anyone along the M9/ M80/ M73 / A725 corridor, as long as you can be flexible give or take a day.