corys different species 10 for sale

Corys different species 10 for sale

Corys different species 10 for sale

Nice fish got different ones all healthy and need to go about half inch bi to inch big Ad ID:

10 corys different species

10 corys different species

10 for sale all different species nice fish all look great size half inch to 1 inch big Ad ID:

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: 10 corys different species
Different Species of Cockroaches for sale

Different Species of Cockroaches for sale

Cockroaches All nymphs different sizes small/medium/large Symploce pallens (Smooth Roach) £10 for 20 Gyna caffrorum (Ghost Porcelain) £10 for 10 Gyna centurio (Centurion) £10 for 10 Pycnoscelus striatus (Ember Cave) £10 for 15 Perplaneta austalasia (australian) £10 for 15 Blaptica (dubia gold) £10 for 15 Aeluropoda insignis (flat horned) £15 for 10 Lucihormetica subcincta (headlight roaches) £20 for 10 Eurycotis floridana (Florida woods cockroach) £10 for 15 Gromphadorhina Ponterosa (Madagacar giant hissers) £10 for 15 Oxyhaloa deusta-red headed roach £10 FOR 30 Pictures on request can post for £5 Signed for also except paypal if not collecting Special offer on the Gromphadorhina Ponterosa (Madagacar giant hissers) £20 for 50 nymphs Read More

Different Species of Cockroaches for sale

Different Species of Cockroaches for sale

Cockroaches Symploce pallens (Smooth Roach) £10 for 20 Gyna caffrorum (Ghost Porcelain) £10 for 10 Gyna centurio (Centurion) £10 for 10 Pycnoscelus striatus (Ember Cave) £10 for 15 Perplaneta austalasia (australian) £10 for 15 Blaptica (dubia gold) £10 for 15 Aeluropoda insignis (flat horned) £15 for 10 Lucihormetica subcincta (headlight roaches) £20 for 10 Eurycotis floridana (Florida woods cockroach) £10 for 15 Gromphadorhina Ponterosa (Madagacar giant hissers) £10 for 15 Oxyhaloa deusta-red headed roach £10 FOR 30 Pictures on request can post for £5 Signed for also except paypal if not collecting Read More

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Different Species of Cockroaches for sale
Tropical Fish - Several different species

Tropical Fish - Several different species

So I currently have 1 big aquarium but unfortunately the light system has broken and so the time has come to reduce the number of fish I have while I do some maintenance with that. Prices are as follows: Marbled Angelfish Small - £2 each Marbled Angelfish Large - £6 each Feather Fin Catfish - £5 each Bronze Corydora - £2 each Silver Dollar - £5 each Snakeskin Gourami Large - £4 each Golden Gourami Large - £4 each Synodontis Large - £10 each Common Pleco - £5 Albino Bristlenose Pleco - £5 Make me an offer and I’ll see about changing prices for you. Please text me before calling. Ad ID:

About 120 fish. Different species of cichlids

About 120 fish. Different species of cichlids

up to 5 cm to 15 cm. different species of cichlids. I have over 100 of them Shark about 15cm Pleco --: a couple of them from 4cm to 10cn about 24cm x4 about 35cm x2 Botia macracanthus x5 I only want all fish 400£ Please send any questions to the phone number

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: About 120 fish. Different species of cichlids
Clearance Tropical fish: Guppies Platys Corys Any 7 for £10

Clearance Tropical fish: Guppies Platys Corys Any 7 for £10

I have guppies, platy's. corys for sale. Lots of nice assorted colours to choose from. £1.80 each or ANY 7 for £10! Viewing welcome. (excludes Green Moscow Guppies). Ad ID:

Corys For Sale

Corys For Sale

Corys For Sale Albino & Bronze £2 each collection only fenham ne5 call or txt only please with held numbers will be ignored Ad ID:

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Corys For Sale
7 corys for sale

7 corys for sale

2 albino 2 bronze 3 pepper corys. Closing down tank no offers Ad ID:

Plecos and corys for sale

Plecos and corys for sale

I am reducing my collection of plecos and corys I have the following for sale:- L066 king tiger plecs breeding group of Chocolate Zebra plec breeding group of Pair of jari Blue £35 L15 Candy plec group of wild caught £140 Emerald green Corys £5 each Bronze corys £3 each Adolfi Cory £7 each Golden Cory £5 each

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Plecos and corys for sale
CATFISH species for sale

CATFISH species for sale

2 catfish £3.50 or 2 for £6. will throw in the ornaments so less stress caused, and food (troplical flakes & Algae food.) Catfish are relatively slow-moving and gentle fish, and are not prone to attacking or being aggressive with smaller fish. As you can see on the right my lil Neon Tetra still alive. Collection only - we have a small container for transport Tank not for sale Ad ID:

Croydoras Arcuatus / Skunk Corys for sale - tropicalfish

Croydoras Arcuatus / Skunk Corys for sale - tropicalfish

I have about 4 really nice and chunky Skunk Corys for sale. All around 4cm in size. All de-wormed and ready to go. Price is for ONE fish. 4 for £15. Ad ID:

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Croydoras Arcuatus / Skunk Corys for sale - tropicalfish
Black Venezuela Corys for sale - live tropical fish

Black Venezuela Corys for sale - live tropical fish

Beautiful Black Venezuelan corys for sale. Approx 3cm in size. Really nice healthy fish. De-wormed and ready to go. Few only.. Ad ID:

Orange Venezuelan Corys for sale live tropical fish

Orange Venezuelan Corys for sale live tropical fish

Beautiful orange venezuelan corys for sale. These are healthy beautiful corys. All have been dewormed and quarantined ready for sale. Ad ID:

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Orange Venezuelan Corys for sale live tropical fish
Corydoras Panda Corys for sale - live tropical fish

Corydoras Panda Corys for sale - live tropical fish

Panda Corys for sale. All around 3-4cm in size. Wonderful high quality corys. Viewing recommended. Price is for ONE fish. 5 for £13 Ad ID:

Tarantulas for sale various species available

Tarantulas for sale various species available

Hi Some of collection for sale updated list Oct.... sizes are in diagonal legspan Avic purpurea 2 nd moult sling £10 Avic Colombia sling grown on £20 Avic Sp Colombia.. adult female these are a smaller sp £90 extremely rare as adults Avic Versicolor £10,...each few left..and grown on sling £20 Avic Aurantiaca........Sub adult female £40 Pachistopelma Bromelicola female... newly discovered..species!!!...7cm rare £80 each Brachypelma.. B Emilia slings..x 2..grown on couple left...£10 each B. Vagans adult. female Mex red rump.large...............£40 sold B.Hamorii /smithi grown on slings 5 cm £ B.Smithi/Hamorii sub ad unsexed. £45.....couple left B leg..9 cm female £40...8 cm unsexed £35....7 cm unsexed £28 B.emelia. 7.5 cm,sexed female................£40 And 4 cm...£18.....1 smaller at £13 B.Klaasi sexed pair sub adults £110 Other species.. Cobalt blue,..Cyriopagopus lividus female adult £50....on hold just moulted ready 16 Oct G. Pulchripes young adult female £50 Aphonopelma geniculata white knee chunky adult female £60 G rosea Chilean rose female young adult...£35 Euthalus sp red 6 cm..£33 each only 2 left Hapalopus colombia larger form adult female £45 pumpkin patch P. Lugardi baboon £10 grown on sling P Cambridgei x2.. 2.5 cm..£15...each Hysterocrates.gigas hobby adult red female Cameroon baboon huge !! Burrows deep... £30. Chromatopelma Cyan..Green bottle blue.. large /juvenile £28..each unsexed 1 left.. Ephebopus cyanognathus adult female blue fang..on hold £50 Ephebopus Murinus...unsexed sub adult..skeleton leg..£40 GBB.. Chromatopelma £10..each plus £8 postage.. ready now !! 5 for £45..posted..10..for £ 80.posted Psalmopeus Reduncus orange mouth £30 each Adult Females x 2 left Psalmopeus irminia adult female 10cm..£45 Psalmopeus Pulcher..Panama female £45..beautiful fresh moult example.!!. 1 week ago..also..4 cm grown on slings left £12 each Pamphobeteus sp Costa grown on juvenile £60..1 sexed female and 1 unsexed Pamphobeteus.sp.costa £50 good size Pamphobeteus sp Esmeraldas 9cm..unsexed £50.... 9 cm Stromatopelma calceatum feather leg babooon 7cm large juvenile £25 Lasiodora Striatus ex p Wallacei unsexed £45.....large juvie/sub ad.unsexed Any requests please ask as there may be others about, I haven't listed. All spiders sent Monday - Thursday Royal Mail £ be added unless stated.....special delivery next day with signed for by 1-pm There may be others I've forgotten to list !! Can post RMSD £8next day by 1 pm... will need to be signed for..Paypal only please.. Or collection...Please contact with enquires Read More

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Tarantulas for sale various species available
Tarantulas for sale various species available

Tarantulas for sale various species available

Hi Some of collection for sale updated list Oct.... sizes are in diagonal legspan Avic purpurea 2 nd moult sling £10 Avic Colombia sling grown on £20 Avic Sp Colombia.. adult female.... these are a smaller sp £90 extremely rare as adults Avic Versicolor £10,...each few left..and grown on sling £20 Avic Aurantiaca........Sub adult female £40 Pachistopelma Bromelicola female... newly discovered..species!!!...7cm rare £80 each Brachypelma.. each B.Hamorii /smithi grown on slings 5 cm £ B.Smithi/Hamorii sub ad unsexed. £50...couple left B leg..female 5-6cm female £25 B.emelia. 7.5 cm,sexed female................£40 And 4 cm...£20..1 smaller at £13 B.Klaasi sexed pair sub adults £110 Other species.. Cobalt blue,..Cyriopagopus lividus female adult £50....on hold just moulted ready 16 Oct G. Pulchripes large juvi unsexed £30 Aphonopelma geniculata white knee unsexed juvi 7-8 cm leg span £25 Hapalopus colombia larger form adult female £45 pumpkin patch P. Lugardi baboon £10 grown on sling P Cambridgei x1 left.. 2.5 cm..£15...each Hysterocrates.gigas hobby adult red female Cameroon baboon huge !! Burrows deep... £30. Chromatopelma Cyan..Green bottle blue.. large /juvenile £28..each unsexed 1 left.. Ephebopus cyanognathus adult female blue fang..on hold £50 Ephebopus Murinus...unsexed sub adult..skeleton leg..£40 GBB.. Chromatopelma £10..each plus £8 postage.. ready now !! 5 for £45..posted..10..for £ 80.posted Psalmopeus Reduncus orange mouth £30 each Adult Females x 2 left Psalmopeus irminia adult female 10cm..£45 Psalmopeus Pulcher..Panama female £45..beautiful fresh moult example.!!. 1 week ago..also..4 cm grown on slings left £12 each Pamphobeteus sp Costa grown on juvenile £60..1 sexed female and 1 unsexed Pamphobeteus.sp.costa £50 good size Pamphobeteus sp Esmeraldas 9cm..unsexed £50.... 9 cm Stromatopelma calceatum feather leg babooon 7cm large juvenile £25 Lasiodora Striatus ex p Wallacei unsexed £45.....large juvie/sub ad.unsexed Any requests please ask as there may be others about, I haven't listed. All spiders sent Monday - Thursday Royal Mail £ be added unless stated.....special delivery next day with signed for by 1-pm There may be others I've forgotten to list !! Can post RMSD £8next day by 1 pm... will need to be signed for..Paypal only please.. Or collection...Please contact with enquires Read More

Tarantulas for sale various species available

Tarantulas for sale various species available

Hi.. I'm thinning down my collection of tarantulas..B..klaasi.. females and young pairs Mex red knee Smithi £..sized.. Avicularia rare,Colombia female..£90 Pamphobeteus Costa female £60..Pampho..Esmeraldas unsexed £45...Avicularia sp and many grown on Avicularia slings..different species and prices.. Ephebopus Murinus skeleton tarantula feisty £60.. C.lividum Cobalt blue adult female £60 OBT orange bitey thing !!.. female £50 Lasiodra striatus unsexed...., £40 Psalmopoeus Reduncus x2.... £30 each ad females Hysterocrates Gigas adult female.. £30 P Cambridgei...........2 x larger slings £15 each Avicularia velutina larger grown on slings..£15 each Pachistopelma Bromeliacola sub adult female £80 rare Chromatopelma cyanaeopubescence young adult female £60 There may be others I've forgotten to list !! Can post RMSD £8next day by 1 pm... will need to be signed for..Paypal only please.. Or collection...Please contact with enquires Read More

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Tarantulas for sale various species available
Gold Laser Corys XL for sale - live tropical fish

Gold Laser Corys XL for sale - live tropical fish

I have some gorgeous wild Gold Laser Corys from peru for sale. These are XL corys. Exceptionally high quality, all de-wormed and ready to go! Price quoted is for one. Higher quantities may be eligible for a qty price - please ask. Ad ID:

Tropical fish for sale - Please see description for species,and prices

Tropical fish for sale - Please see description for species,and prices

Please note images are just to give an idea of the fish i am selling and are not the exact fish - individual images are available. The fish i am selling: Sterbai Cory (1.5-2 inches) - £4 Bronze Cory (1.5-2 inches) - £2.50 Angelfish (2-2.5 inches) - £3.49 Cardinal Tetras (1.5 inches) - £2.00 Glowlight Tetras (1.5 inches) - £1.00 Clown Loach (2-2.5 inches) - £7.00 German Rams (1.5-2 inches) - £3.50 Oscars -few tigers and a few red (2.5-3 inches) - £9.95 Red Breasted Acara's (2 inches) - £5.00 Blue Crayfish (4 inches) - £9.95 Malawi Cichlids (2-2.5 inches) £5.10 Malawi Cichlids (3-4 inches) £7.50 Discus (3-4 inches) from £ Collection available from Stockport, delivery available at fuel cost. Please message if interested. Ad ID:

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: Tropical fish for sale - Please see description for species,and prices
Malawi Cichlid's for Sale - Please see description for species and sizes

Malawi Cichlid's for Sale - Please see description for species and sizes

I have a few Malawi Cichlid's for sale - Please note images are just to give an idea of what i am selling and are not the exact fish, please ask for individual images. 2-2.5 inches - £5.10 each 3-4 inches - £7.50 each I have: Red Shoulder Blue Peacocks Venustus Pink Peacocks Ob Peacocks Livingstoni Kadango Blue Dolphin Collection available from Stockport, delivery available for fuel cost. Please message for more information. Ad ID:

Various office Chairs for sale £10 different colours avaliible, collection from Dewsbury WF12 7RF

Various office Chairs for sale £10 different colours avaliible, collection from Dewsbury WF12 7RF

Office Chairs for sale £10 Each buyer to collect from Dewsbury, various colours Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

***Snakes For Sale*** ***Rare species and Morphs***

***Snakes For Sale*** ***Rare species and Morphs***

Hi there, For the last 7 years we have been keeping and breeding a good sized collection of snakes. In the interests of breeding some more specialised animals in the next year we are looking to sell some of our stock. listed below are the snakes that we have available. Corn Snakes (pantherophis guttatus) Tessera poss. Het Cinder 1.0.0 CB Diffused Ghost 0.1.0 CB Ghost 0.1.0 CB Snow 0.1.0 CB Snow 1.0.0 CB Diffused Het Lavender 0.1.0 CB Ultramel Anery 0.1.0 CB Anery Tessera 1.0.0 CB Tessera 0.1.0 CB Amel Tess. Het anery salmon 0.1.0 CB Amel Tessera 0.1.0 CB Tess. Het motley diff. Amel 1.0.0 CB AlabamaxNormal 1.0.0 CB Anery Coral 0.1.0 CB Extreme Oketee 0.1.0 CB Motley Tessera 0.1.0 CB Granite 0.1.0 CB Miami Tessera 1.0.0 CB Amel Zigzag Wides rtipe 0.1.0 CB Mandarin Ratsnakes (Euprepiophis mandarinus) Mandarin (Vietnam) 5.0.0 CB each Mandarin (Vietnam) 0.5.0 CB each Mandarin (Vietnam) 0.1.0 CB Rhino Rat Snakes (rhynchophis boulengeri) RhinoRat 0.1.0 CB RhinoRat 0.1.0 CB RhinoRat 1.0.0 CB RhinoRat 0.1.0 CB RhinoRat 0.1.0 CB RhinoRat 0.1.0 CB RhinoRat 0.1.0 CB Yunnan mountain Rat Snake (Oreocryptophis p. pulchra) Yunnan0.1.0 CB Yunnan1.0.0 CB Yunnan1.0.0 CB Yunnan5.0.0 CB each Yunnan 0.5.0 CB each Others Trans-Pecos (bogertophis subocularis) Normal het silver blonde 1.0.0 CB Trans-Pecos (bogertophis subocularis) Normal het strawberry blonde 1.0.0 CB Albino Great Plains Rat (Pantherophis emoryi) 1.0.0 CB Albino Great Plains Rat (Pantherophis emoryi) 0.1.0 CB Aesculapian (Zamenis longissimus) 1.0.0 CB Aesculapian (Zamenis longissimus) 1.0.0 CB Aesculapian (Zamenis longissimus) 0.1.0 CB Aesculapian (Zamenis longissimus) 0.1.0 CB All animals listed are healthy. They are eating, shedding, pooping etc. fine. Each animal will come with a record card that has been regularly updated for at least as long as they have been with us. Collection is preferable but local delivery and courier at buyers expense is also fine. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. Read More

About 20x discus fish for sale plus some corys including

About 20x discus fish for sale plus some corys including

About 20x discus fish for sale plus some corys including All together £300 No offer ! Come down from £500.....thx Read more

Related products corys different species 10 for sale: About 20x discus fish for sale plus some corys including


