Mercedes Benz C230 Brake Disc EBC Mercedes Benz
SKU: E35USR895, EBC ULTIMAX SLOTTED ROTOR (USR) BLACKDASH SERIES BRAKE DISCS, SLOTTED, VENTED, BLACK ZINC, SET OF 2 Enjoy improved sport braking with EBC USR Blackdash Brake Discs. Just like regular slotted discs, these degas pads for cooler braking operation and help remove dirt, brake dust, and water from the brake area. They also promote flat and parallel pad wear for consistent braking performance during the life of the discs and the pads. But what sets Blackdash discs above all other slotted discs is its multi-slot pattern. Unlike regular slots that produce air noise, Blackdash disc slots are narrower in size and are set at a progressive angle, making braking operation incong>redong>ibly quiet and effective at the same time. Specifications:4 x 4.25 in. bolt pattern in. disc diameter Features:Manufactuong>redong> to OE specifications using high tensile strength G gray cast ironCoated with black zinc finishMaintains a flat and parallel pad wear and avoids the record grooves or galling common with non-slotted rotors Professional installation is recommended, but you can install this brake disc yourself with EBC Instructional Video P/N E35DVD083 (sold separately). Never use old brake pads with new discs. For optimal braking performance, match Blackdash discs with EBC ong>Redong>stuff, Greenstuff, or Yellowstuff brake pads.. Auto Parts Warehouse has extensive EBC Brake Disc catalogs.We are now offering FREE shipping on all EBC Brake Disc orders over $. Our secure ebc brake disc catalog is available every hour of everyday. Shop with confidence for all your ebc brake disc needs. EBC Brake Disc are In Stock and available today. Save up to 60% off dealer price on your next EBC Brake Disc purchase. Our online catalog contains a wide selection of the OEM and aftermarket parts you need at unbeatable prices Buy Now