Benetaeu First 235 sailing boat crusier racer trailer sailor
Songbird is a Beneteau First 23.5 foot sailing racer cruiser with great accommodation for 4/5 persons. It is fully kitted out with galley, chart table, portaloo, modern Horizon GPS Chart Plotter, NASA wind speed direction, NASA speed log and depth and VHF radio. It has swing keel which means it can be launched and retrieved from a slipway. It's a very stable and fast boat and will be in the top quarter of the fleet in a club race. It comes with 2 sets of sails, new set in along with a spinnaker. It has a rolling reeve system along with sail covers and lazy jack system if preferred. There is a Yamaha 9.9hp four stroke outboard with internal controls (throttle and ignition built into boat) There is a fully braked trailer in good working order. This is a very tidy boat for the beginner or the more experienced sailor. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit