COMPUTER SERVICE & WEB DEVELOPMENT NO FIX NO FEE General Service: -Installation and reinstallation Windows, Linux -Anti-virus installation and removing viruses -Computer configuration needs -Computer updata -Driver and devices installation -partitioning hard drive -recover data (HDD, memory cards, phones, mp3 players and others) -folding computer -cleaning computer -exchange parts of computer Web Design: -Creating websites (XHTML/HTML, CSS, JavaScript, json, xml, ASP.NET, jQuery, VB, C#, Joomla, WordPress) -SEO (Google Analytics, Google AdWords) -Creating simple graphics (GIMP) -Configuration e-commerce IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM REGARDING YOUR DEVICE, JUST CALL I'LL FIX IT:) CONTACT: Phone: facebook: krzysztof.tryc.3 twitter: @KrzysztofTryc skype: jaaaaa91