CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS for real trees up to 8ft tall
BRong>ANDong> NEW, ong>CHRISTMASong> TREE STong>ANDong>S that fully support real ong>Christmasong> ong>Treesong> up to 8 feet tall. BARGAIN at only £8 each (currently £16 in B&M, £18 on Amazon & £20 in John Lewis !!!) I have 20+ available if you want more than one. Made of strong polypropylene so do not rust ong>andong> will last for many years. Still got paper labels on so you can see never been used. Fill ong>andong> keep stong>andong> topped up with water so tree can drink (like any cut flower), so it doesn't drop its needles. Collection only please, thanks. Read more