
De Chirico

De Chirico

De Chirico: Giorgio de Chirico gehört zu den wichtigsten und folgenreichsten Künstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein bedeutendster Beitrag liegt in der konzeptionellen wie formalen Begründung einer neuen Raumauffassung. In drei großen Kapiteln wird diese Thematik erstmalig in seiner Gesamtheit untersucht. Neben den philosophischen Vorstellungen Arthur Schopenhauers und Friedrich Nietzsches waren de Chiricos Raumdarstellungen inspiriert durch die Werke Arnold Böcklins und Max Klingers. Karin Wimmer zeigt Parallelen zwischen dem Bühnenbild-Charakter seiner Gemälde und seinem Studium des modernen Bühnenbilds in Florenz auf. In Paris, und das zeigt die Autorin an Bildkompositionen Picassos, Cézannes und Matisses, war die damalige Avantgarde-Malerei de Chiricos Referenzrahmen. Dieser Band leistet einen beachtlichen Beitrag zum Thema 'Raum' in der Kunstgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts und beleuchtet diesen aus einer Vielzahl von Perspektiven.

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica  -

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica -

Giorgio De Chirico- Catalogo dell'opera grafica dal al edited by Edoardo Brandani with the collaboration of the Fondazione Giorgio and Isa De Chirico.Printed in by Stamperia Artistica Il Globo in Bologna on "Bodonia" paper by Cartiere Fedrigoni. 248 pages.Colour illustrations. Hardcover, 30 x 22 cm. Hardcover case in colour (like the cover). Weight: kg. Condition: new.The price of the book of was lire (as shwon in the photo of the label). Read More

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica  -

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica -

Giorgio De Chirico- Catalogo dell'opera grafica dal al a edited by Edoardo Brandani with the collaboration of the Fondazione Giorgio and Isa De Chirico.Printed in by Stamperia Artistica Il Globo of Bologna on "Bodonia" paper of Cartiere Fedrigoni. 248 pages.Colour illustrations. Hardcover 30 x 22 cm Colour slipcase (like the cover) Weight kg. Condition - new.The price of the book in was lire (as shown in the photo of the label). Read More

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica  -

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica -

Giorgio De Chirico- Catalogo dell'opera grafica dal al edited by Edoardo Brandani with the collaboration of the Fondazione Giorgio and Isa De Chirico.Printed in by Stamperia Artistica Il Globo in Bologna on “Bodonia” paper by Cartiere Fedrigoni. 248 pages.Colour illustrations. Hardcover 30 x 22 cm. Colour slipcase (like the cover) Weight: kg. Condition: new.The price of the book in was lire (as shown in the photo of the label). Read More

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica  -

Giorgio De Chirico - Catalogo dell'opera grafica -

Giorgio De Chirico- Catalogo dell'opera grafica dal al edited by Edoardo Brandani with the collaboration of the Fondazione Giorgio and Isa De Chirico.Printed in by Stamperia Artistica Il Globo in Bologna on “Bodonia” paper by Cartiere Fedrigoni. 248 pages.Colour illustrations. Hardcover 30 x 22 cm. Colour slipcase (like the cover) Weight: kg. Condition: new.The price of the book of was lire (as shwon in the photo of the label). Read More
