Siamese Algae Eaters (SAE)
SAE young adults around 3cm-7cm in size. At this stage of their life you can put them in smaller tanks but they grow larger when they are old. Living in my community tank, they are completely acclimated to London water. I don't do anything to change the PH of my tank. The SAE is extremely peaceful and won't attack any other fish. He is not even bothering adult cherry shrimps in my tank. He eats all kinds of algae including the Black Bearded Algae (bba) and is the only fish that eats this one. He is an essential addition to planted aquariums. It is not recommended for nano tanks as he can grow to 12cm in size. 4 pounds for one SAE. (i also have lots of other stuff, Platies/guppies, bristlenose plecos, red cherry shrimps, Amanos, plants...have a look at my other ads) (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID: