New BMW electric ride on motorcycle (6 volts) in Coventry
This new and unused BMW motorcycle is just the job for youngsters who haven't quite learned to balance as yet, or even if they have it's still a cool bike. The bike is powered by a rechargeable 6 volt battery driving a rear wheel, it has handlebar steering and power is accessed through a pedal on the right hand drivers step, the driver can travel backwards or forwards by simply changing direction using a switch mounted in front of him, the bike also has flashing headlights, a horn and a selection of built in music tunes and an MP3 connector to use to access your own tunes and play them through the bikes speaker; plus a volume control to adjust the sounds, a final neat touch is the rear mounted box in which..... all sorts can be hidden!. The bike comes with an appropriate charger. NB: the first pic is a stock internet based one (the other two are the actual bike itself) I used the first pic because it is far better than my poor efforts, but bike looks just as good as that first pic indicates