chihuahua x pugs in hatfield

Chihuahua x pugs in Hatfield

Chihuahua x pugs in Hatfield

I have 2 males and 1 female chugs left. They are very beautiful little pups who are great with children and other dogs. They are fully wormed and very healthy. They are ating puppy food and drinking water so can go to their new loving families now. They are 9 weeks and part paper trained. Please could you phone me to make an appointment thank you

Pug X chihuahua in Hatfield

Pug X chihuahua in Hatfield

She is 2 years old.Great with children and other dogs and is house trained.walks good on a lead. She has had her jabs and is microchipped. These dogs are good because they don't need a lot of exercise, please call to come see her.

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Pug X chihuahua in Hatfield
Chihuahua x llasso in Hatfield

Chihuahua x llasso in Hatfield

I have 4 female pups left out of a litter of 6, lovely pups make fantastic pets, born 7th June, ready for new homes from 2nd august, small breed, lovely temperament. Will be wormed etc prior to going to new forever home, please note, I will only home with children over 6 due to being so small when ready to leave, any questions please ask

Chihuahua X pug in Hatfield

Chihuahua X pug in Hatfield

Chihuahua X pug male pup. He is very healthy has been wormed and vet checked,He is ready to go to his own loving life long home now. Please call to come and see him. Mother and father can be seen

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Chihuahua X pug in Hatfield
Chihuahua X pug in Hatfield

Chihuahua X pug in Hatfield

She absolutely loves children and is good with other dogs and has been good around a kitten.she is 2 years old and has had her injections and has a microchip. She's great on a lead and loves going for walks. She is house trained loves cuddles. This is no fault of her own family circumstances farces rehoming. Please call my phone to come and see her because my e mail isn't working

Pug x chihuahua (chug) in Hatfield

Pug x chihuahua (chug) in Hatfield

I have 3 male 2 female chugs left. They are very healthy little puppies. They have been vet checked wormed and are eating puppy food and drinking water. They have been handled by children and are grat with other dogs and are use to cats.please CALL to come and see if one could be the right little one for you. Life long loving homes only. No offers please

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Pug x chihuahua (chug) in Hatfield
Chihuahua X pug (chug) in Hatfield

Chihuahua X pug (chug) in Hatfield

2 and a half old female chug. She is very good with children and other dogs. She is house trained and is great on the lead. Reason for rehoming is nothing to do with her but family circumstances. Please call to come see her. Sorry I wont deliver her.

Chihuahua x pug puppies in Hatfield

Chihuahua x pug puppies in Hatfield

I have 6 beautiful pups. 3 female 3 males. They are very healthy playfull little pups. Ready to go to their new loving homes. Please call if you are interested

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Chihuahua x pug puppies in Hatfield
Chihuahua x Yorkt (CHORKY) in Hatfield

Chihuahua x Yorkt (CHORKY) in Hatfield

I have a 8 month old female CHORKY who is great with Children cats and other dogs.she is a very healthy little dog who is house fully trained. Please call to come and see if she's the right pet for you. Loving life long home only

chihuahua X Chinese incrested pup in Hatfield

chihuahua X Chinese incrested pup in Hatfield

I have an absolutely adorable blue and white rare male pup. Pedro. He is extremely friendly with children, dogs and cats.He has been wormed with Panicure vet checked is eating puppy food and drinking water. He is ready for his new life long loving home only. Mother and father can be seen. Please call to come and see him.

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: chihuahua X Chinese incrested pup in Hatfield
Beautiful chihuahua pup in Hatfield

Beautiful chihuahua pup in Hatfield

He totally friendly and loves children. He doesn't nip and he his not yappy but loves cuddling. Good with other dogs& cats. Because his father is long haired he will not loose hair. So good for people with allergies. He has been vet checked and fully wormed. He's ready to go to his life long loving home only. Please call for an appointment to see if he's the pup for you. No offers. Mum and dad can be seen

Small chihuahua pups in Hatfield

Small chihuahua pups in Hatfield

very very healthy, friendly pups who never bites. They have been around other dogs so knows the social rules.They love children and is great with my cat. They have been vet checked twice wormed and flea treated. mum and dad can be seen. They can go to their new homes now.

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Small chihuahua pups in Hatfield
Child freindly Chihuahua in Hatfield

Child freindly Chihuahua in Hatfield

100% chihuahua female. 1 1/2 years She's good with other dogs and great with children and everyone else. She's never snappy doesn't bark and sleeps in a crate at night. She doesn't need much exercise so is the perfect little girl for older people. She doesn't loose her fur so is good for allergies. She absolutely loves cuddles and would cuddle all day if she could. No offers please.personal circumstance forces rehome. NO FAULT IF HER OWN. Only the best home will be chosen PLEASE NO TIMEWASTERS !!!!!!!!! PLEASE MESSAGE OR CALL IF SERIOUS

Chihuahua child freindly in Hatfield

Chihuahua child freindly in Hatfield

1year old chihuahua female. She is fantastic with children and babies. She's had her injections and has been wormed. Reason for sale is because landlord said I can't have her in the house. Please call for more details

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Chihuahua child freindly in Hatfield
Chihuahua cross jack russell in Hatfield

Chihuahua cross jack russell in Hatfield

For sale chihuahua cross jack russell boy 6 months old had all his jabs and woming and fleeded and mic chiped lovely dog kid frindly comes with bed toys food and cage and food and drink bowls and cots and lead

Adorable Chihuahua male pups in Hatfield

Adorable Chihuahua male pups in Hatfield

They are 8 weeks very very healthy pups. They will be very small when fully grown. The have been brought up in a family home and have been vet checked twice and fully wormed. Mother and Father can be seen with them. Please call to come and see if they are right for you. These pups don't shed fur do are great for people with allergies

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Adorable Chihuahua male pups in Hatfield
Amazing Tiny Chihuahua/Pom pups in Hatfield

Amazing Tiny Chihuahua/Pom pups in Hatfield

I have two little girls left they will be very small when fully grown. They have been fully wormed and vet checked and are very healthy babies. They are very very friendly and absolutely love cuddles and love.They wouldn't be suitable for very young children. They could get crushed. Please Call to come and see them. Only two left. Sorry NO offers. Mum and dad can be seen

Computer Technician Hatfield in Hatfield

Computer Technician Hatfield in Hatfield

PC.Clinic is a worldwide information technology company. We provide a portfolio of IT services, software, and technology that solves critical problems for clients. We specialize in repair Laptops and Desktops. Candidate must have hardware experience to support a variety of vendors, desktop, core legacy and networking devices. The candidate should also be knowledgeable on various Microsoft operating systems and desktop applications. Requires a high level of expertise in PC operating systems i.e. Microsoft Windows, anti-virus software, and all tier one manufacturer PC and printer products. Performs installs, moves, adds and changes as required. Tests and certifies PCs. Provides advanced troubleshooting capabilities on software and hardware problems. Installs and maintains peripherals and PCs. Maintains a high degree of professionalism in actions. Ensures customer satisfaction throughout the service delivery transaction. Technical and Behavioural Skills Must have valid drivers license. Proficiency in Windows operating systems and Microsoft Office software. Ability to troubleshoot and repair enterprise-level software and hardware issues Experience communicating with enterprise-level clients - excellent communication skills required. Must be available for varying shifts on a rotating basis. Do you have what it takes to be mission-critical? Apply Now. PC.Clinic offers a very competitive benefits package including health insurance coverage from first day of employment. Your daily job will be in a store in one big Shopping Center in Hatfield as a Computer Repair Technician. Are you ready?

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Computer Technician Hatfield in Hatfield
Pom x chi in Hatfield

Pom x chi in Hatfield

He is 11 weeks old very healthy and very Freindly.hes great with children and other dogs. He sits already and is learning toilet habits. He's been vet checked and wormed. Life long loving home only

Hatfield Removals  in Hatfield

Hatfield Removals in Hatfield

Moove Right! Professional and Reliable Service. Home & Office Removals, Courier, Transportation Specialists. Hertfordshire Piano Removal Service All Equipment Supplied - Dollys, Straps, Wramps, Blankets. Great Rates! Short and Long Distance Moves. Advanced and Short Notice Bookings Welcome. Professional Sign Written Van Supplied. We Accept All Card & Cash Payments. For All Bookings & Inquiries Please Call

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Hatfield Removals in Hatfield
Pug x poodle. (Puggles) in Hatfield

Pug x poodle. (Puggles) in Hatfield

I have 4 of the most adorable little puggle puppies. Mum is pug. Dad I'd black poodle.There is 1 male and 3 females. They are very healthy pups born in my house and have been brought up around children cats and other dogs. The mum is here with the pups so you can meet her and the pups together. Please No students. The pups are eating puppy food and drinking water now so ready for new loving life long families only please.

2 x Undercounter fridges in Hatfield

2 x Undercounter fridges in Hatfield

2 x Undercounter fridges. Good working condition. Larder fridges without ice box. Can be taken seperately or together. Co,ldction from Hatfield.

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: 2 x Undercounter fridges in Hatfield
Adorable chi x yorky in Hatfield

Adorable chi x yorky in Hatfield

I have a very small 8 month old female who is great with Children cats and other dogs.she is very healthy and is FULLY house trained.she has had both her injections. She will come with bed and toys. Please NO students may apply

Male chi X chug in Hatfield

Male chi X chug in Hatfield

I have the cutest little chap I have ever seen. He has a great little personality and is never snappy. He absolutely loves children and has been brought up in my home with his mum and dad so he knows how to behave around other dogs. He has been wormed and vet checked and is very healthy. He will be about the size of a mini poodle when fully grown.He is ready to go to his forever loving home now. Please phone me to come and see if he is the right pup for you.. Sorry no offers

Related products chihuahua x pugs in hatfield: Male chi X chug in Hatfield
2 x Undercounter fridges in Hatfield

2 x Undercounter fridges in Hatfield

2 x undercounter fridges. Good working condition. Both larder fridges without ice box. Can be taken seperately or together. Collection from Hatfield.
