chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder

Silkie.Sussex. salmon faverolle. Pekin chicks

Silkie.Sussex. salmon faverolle. Pekin chicks

Chicks ready to go silkies white gray partridge and paint black salmon faverolle pekin and light sussex bantams Read More

Pekin and silkie chicks for sale

Pekin and silkie chicks for sale

Week old up to 8 wks chicks for sale Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Pekin and silkie chicks for sale
Silkie x Pekin. Pilkie chicks for sale

Silkie x Pekin. Pilkie chicks for sale

Various colours mum black pekin, dad white splash hooded silkie. £5 each. Unsexed Read More

Frizzle Pekin x silkie (sizzle) chicken chicks

Frizzle Pekin x silkie (sizzle) chicken chicks

Frizzle Pekin x silkie (sizzle) chicken chicks Unsexed 5 available £5 each Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Frizzle Pekin x silkie (sizzle) chicken chicks
Day old chicks, bantams, pekin, orpington, silkie, sebright

Day old chicks, bantams, pekin, orpington, silkie, sebright

Day old and onwards chicks All pure breeds Require heat £5 each unsexed £8 each hens Older birds available My breeds Gold top silkies White pekin (smooth and frizzle) Black mottled pekin (smooth and frizzle) Crested cream legbar Gold Dutch bantams Gold sebright (£6) Blue, black and splash orpington (Lf) Frizzles start from £6 each. Minimum of 3 chicks per order Read More

Day old chicks, bantams, pekin, orpington, silkie, sebright

Day old chicks, bantams, pekin, orpington, silkie, sebright

Day old and onwards chicks Require heat £5 each unsexed £8 each hens Older birds available My breeds Gold top silkies Columbian blacktails bantams Rhode Island Red bantams Black mottled pekin (smooth and frizzle) Buff mottled pekin Lavender mottled pekin Blue mottled pekin Crested cream legbar Gold Dutch bantams Silver sebright (£10) Gold sebright (£10) Pure gold silkies Marsbars Oliver egger (Easter eggs) Lavender aracana Barnvelder Salmon faverolles Lemon Pyle brahmas Buff Orpingtons Frizzles start from £6 each. Minimum of 3 chicks per order If you’ve got a broody/ brooding hens these are ideal. Read more

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Day old chicks, bantams, pekin, orpington, silkie, sebright
Pilkie chicks for sale Pekin x bearded paint silkie

Pilkie chicks for sale Pekin x bearded paint silkie

Selection of pilkie chicks various colours. Mother is a black pekin, father a white paint bearded hooded silkie. Unsexed. £5 each Ad ID:

Brahama chicks

Brahama chicks

Brahma Chick Cockerels Dark and gold Partridge brahma Cockerels available From stunning parents Free to good homes Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Brahama chicks
Brahama chicks

Brahama chicks

Hi there I have 2 brahamas chick 4wks old off heat but still inside also have bluebelle chick same age the brahamas are fizzled one blue one splashes of colors lovely looking birds quite unusual in looks and big already going to be big birds bluebelle lovely looking young bird to I think they may all be young males not 100% sure if interested get in touch all free to good homes Read More

2 brahama chicks

2 brahama chicks

2 brahama chicks to good home absolutely stunning chicks there 7wks and have to rehome them really are going to be lovely birds. Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: 2 brahama chicks
Silkie Paint and Polish Hens all egg layers

Silkie Paint and Polish Hens all egg layers

All under a year and a half old and all layers. One White silkie with paint markings One Black silkie with paint gene Would like these to go together as they are sisters and always stuck to one another. £50 for both, paint alone would usually sell more then this aloine. Polish in black with white crest £10 Buff Laced Polish £10 pictured on the left of the two chickens Please note the Silkie paint has been sold so photo is to show a similar of the white silkie but with much nicer and black markings opposed to grey. Photo was taken when we washed and blow dried:D I will upload more photos within the next day or so. Selling as due our first baby any day now and would just like to have one less thing to worry about although they have brought us much joy, they are spoilt with treats such as sweetcorn or on rare occasions mealworms. They free range everyday in our back garden so would like them to go to somewhere they can be let out if at all possible. The silkies were hatched by ourselves and the polish we bought as POL. All fed on laying pellets. Based in Ferndown, more then welcome to come view but please only if you can offer them a good home. Ad ID:

Pure bred white silkie and white Pekin chicks

Pure bred white silkie and white Pekin chicks

I have for sale white silkie and white pekin chicks, bred from show quality stock. The chicks will need heat or broody hen for a few weeks. DEFRA registered stock. Please contact for more info or to view. Chicks £6 each. Please understand I am not willing to sell single chicks. Chicks sold unsexed. These chicks are pure bred I currently have 4 silkie chicks and 5 pekin chicks. 5 Miles south of Selby Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Pure bred white silkie and white Pekin chicks
Pure bred white silkie and white Pekin chicks

Pure bred white silkie and white Pekin chicks

I have for sale white silkie and white pekin chicks, bred from show quality stock. The chicks will need heat or broody hen for a few weeks. DEFRA registered stock. Please contact for more info or to view. Chicks £6 each. Please understand I am not willing to sell single chicks. Chicks sold unsexed. These chicks are pure bred I currently have 6 silkie chicks and 6 pekin chicks. 5 Miles south of Selby Read More

Brahama L/F chicks standard colours

Brahama L/F chicks standard colours

Healthy chicks from good stock Ad ID:

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Brahama L/F chicks standard colours
Silkie Chicks Growers all colours from £15 & POL £40 each

Silkie Chicks Growers all colours from £15 & POL £40 each

Beautiful Silkie Growers from unrelated parents Bearded and unbearded Colours include Paint, Black, White and Champagne. All have black skin & 5 toes as Silkies should. These are very friendly birds, laying small cream coloured eggs. All Growers are unsexed - from £15 each POL hens £40 each Roosters £5 each To be picked up from Ashford, Kent area Read more

Barnevelder-polish cross chicken, toddler

Barnevelder-polish cross chicken, toddler

Beautiful Barnevelder-polish cross, not aggressive at all Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Barnevelder-polish cross chicken, toddler
Barnevelder-polish cross chicken, toddler

Barnevelder-polish cross chicken, toddler

Beautiful Barnevelder-polish cross, unknown gender, not aggressive at all Read More

Barnevelder hen & Chicks.

Barnevelder hen & Chicks.

Barnevelder bantam hen & 10 chicks for sale. Price £40 Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Barnevelder hen & Chicks.
Free Skyline/Silkie And Grey Pekin/Silkie Cross Cockerels

Free Skyline/Silkie And Grey Pekin/Silkie Cross Cockerels

I have 2 superb cockerels who are approx. 1 year old. One is a Skyline/Silkie Cross and the other is a Grey Pekin/Silkie Cross. They are being offered individually as they are of an age where they need their own girls. They are really great, good natured birds who are seeking a good loving, forever home. Read More

Silkie white and pekin x silkie roosters

Silkie white and pekin x silkie roosters

2 white silkie Roosters 1 silkie x pekin Rooster. Available now Healthy strong good stock roosters need their own girls to swoon. Offers welcome £10 each. Ad ID:

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Silkie white and pekin x silkie roosters
Silkie & silkie x hens and chicks

Silkie & silkie x hens and chicks

Hens cockerels and chicks pure Silkies and silkie cross Sussex contact Jack on Ad ID:

Silkie bantam Chicks, crested cream legbar sexed chicks

Silkie bantam Chicks, crested cream legbar sexed chicks

Silkie bantam chicks, various colours, blue, black, partridge, white and red £4 each or Silkie eggs £1.50 each and can post with postage cost, high fertility rate. Mixed coloured eggs from the above colours. Also sexed cream crested legbar chicks, a rare blue egg laying breed. from two days old. Hens £7 each, cocks £5 each. Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Silkie bantam Chicks, crested cream legbar sexed chicks
Silkie bantam Chicks, crested cream legbar chicks

Silkie bantam Chicks, crested cream legbar chicks

Silkie bantam chicks, various colours, blue, black, white, paint and red £5 each, partridge £4 each, or Silkie eggs £1.50 each and can post with postage cost, high fertility rate. Mixed coloured eggs from the above colours. Also cream crested leg bar chicks, a rare blue egg laying breed. £5 each. Read More

Silkie Chicks (Blue, Black and White Chicks)

Silkie Chicks (Blue, Black and White Chicks)

For sale Silkie chicks, these chicks are very young require heat and are unsexed. There are three colours available, White, Black or Blue. Please contact for more information, or to arrange a viewing. Thanks. Read More

Related products chicks all ages pekin silkie krainkoppe brahama polish barnevelder: Silkie Chicks (Blue, Black and White Chicks)


