The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin - SOUGHT AFTER SIXTH EDITION!!
The Origin of Species - By ong>Charlesong> ong>Darwinong> SIXTH EDITION!! - this was the FIRST edition in which he used the word evolution - this was the LAST edition published during ong>Darwinong>'s lifetime This edition has been climbing in value year after year Already a scientific star upon his return to England, ong>Charlesong> ong>Darwinong> published an exciting travel memoir and important works on geology and fossils, while continuing to develop his ideas on evolution in secret. Finally appearing in , the Origin of Species was aimed at the general public rather than scientists. It was an immediate success, with the entire first printing oversubscribed and a second edition planned immediately. In total, six editions were published during ong>Darwinong>’s lifetime, each with important revisions, including the first use of the term “evolution” in the sixth edition. An American edition was published in and numerous foreign translations were printed. ong>Darwinong> expanded on his theories in later works, such as The Descent of Man, his first book to argue explicitly that humans were animals shaped by evolution