Black & White Male Cat Named Banksy in Stockton On Tees
Banksy is a 2 year old male. He has been neutered, vacong>inong>nated, etc. Banksy is one of his own, he is lovable although some days he just wants to sleep. He is maong>inong>ly a house ong>catong> but on occasion will go out and sit outside, he does not wander. Banksy requires a quite home with no other pets as he likes to be the 'man of the house'. Reason for the need to reluctanley re-home is Banksyis due to him not gettong>inong>g on with the other ong>catong>s all of a sudden, therefore he does require to be on his own. He is a ong>catong> for life as he has been moved three times ong>inong> his short two years and requires human companionship only. Any questions feel free to ask.