Chihuahua puppies for sale in St. Neots
chihuahua puppies not KC reg, 3 girls, blue fawn, blue sable and white. Ready <<strong>ststrong>rong>for<strong>ststrong>rong> their new homes when they a at 9/10 weeks. They will be wormed, frontl<strong>instrong>ed and microchipped and <strong>instrong>sured be<<strong>ststrong>rong>for<strong>ststrong>rong>e they leave <<strong>ststrong>rong>for<strong>ststrong>rong> their new homes. View<strong>instrong>g available now and a non refundable deposit of £100 is required to secure a pup. Mum is shown <strong>instrong> la<strong>ststrong> picture. Read More