camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration

Camp history; Lot with 6 books on work- and concentration

Camp history; Lot with 6 books on work- and concentration

ong>Lotong> contains: 1) Ludo Van Eck - Het Boek der Kampen - Kritak - pages - hardcover ong>withong>out dust jacket - size: 31 x 23cmIn very good condition.2) Ludo Van Eck - Het Boek der Kampen - Kritak - pages - softcover - size: 30 x 22cmIn good condition.3) James M. Deem - De gevangenen van Breendonk - Horizon - pages - softcover - size: 23.5 x 15.5cmIn nice condition.4) M. Heylen & M. van Hulle- Getuigenissen uit de koncentratiekampen - Alea Produkties - pages - hardcover - size: 22 x 15.5cmIn reasonable condition.5) J. Rothkrans - Dachau, Hel en Hemel - Delegatus - pages - hardcover - size: 23.5 x 16 cmIn reasonable condition.6) Simonart Ridder - Het Fort van Breendonk - Drukkerij Van Muysewinkel - pages - softcover - 17 x 11 cmIn very good condition. Read More

History; Lot with 2 books on the military history of England

History; Lot with 2 books on the military history of England

Volume 1.H.R. Clinton, From Crécy to Assye: being Five Centuries of the Military ong>Historyong> of>withong> original plans and maps.Frederick Warne [publisher] ca.s.xix, 699 pages. Hardcover 19.5 x 14.5 cm. Very good condition.Full calf prize binding. Raised bands, decorative panels.Morocco title label, gilt border on cover + school gilt emblem.Presentation bookplate on inside front endpaper.Marbled endpapers and page edges.Frontispiece ong>withong> tissue-guard + Illustrations + maps.Slight foxing to title pages otherwise a very lovely volume..Volume 2.W. Clark Russell, Horatio Nelsonand the Naval Supremacy of England.G. P. Putman's Sons [publisher] st edition.Heroes of the Nation series.xiv, 359 pages. Hardcover 19.5 x 14 cm. Very good condition.Full calf prize binding, raised bands, decorative panels.Morocco title label, gilt dentelle on covers + school emblem.Presentation bookplate on inside endpaper.Marbled endpapers and page edges.Frontispiece ong>withong> tisses-guard + illustrations + portrait plates.Mild foxing and paper blemish on page 204 [text very readable] A lovely and complementary collectible set.Shipped and insured by recorded delivery. Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: History; Lot with 2 books on the military history of England
Holocaust; Lot with seven books about the concentration

Holocaust; Lot with seven books about the concentration

1. Ludo van Eck - Het boek der Kampen - Kritak - pp. hardcover - 22 x 31 cm.Five small stamps in the book (see photo) and the dust jacket is missing.2. Cetynski, K. - Daniella - Kadmos - pp. - hardcover - 15 x 22 cm. Stories about Auschwitz.3. Cetynski, K. - De Vuurroos - Kadmos - pp. - hardcover - 15 x 22 cm. Stories about Auschwitz.4. Thomas Keneally - Schindler's Lijst - Het Laatste Nieuws - pp. -hardcover - 13 x 21 cm. Auschwitz related.5. Ana Novac - De mooie dagen van mijn jeugd - Signatuur - pp. - hardcover - 15 x 22 cm. In reasonable to good condition. Plastic coated library copy ong>withong> some stamps. See photos. Diary from Auschwitz.6. Corrie ten Boom - De Schuilplaats - Gideon - ong>withong>out date - 278 pp. - softcover - 11 x 18 cm. About her stay in Ravensbrück.7. Regine Beer - KZA - EPO - pp. - softcover - 12 x 20 cm.About her stay in Auschwitz.All ong>booksong> in good condition unless otherwise mentioned.(Total of 5). Read More

Ireland; Lot with 2 books on the history and beauty of the

Ireland; Lot with 2 books on the history and beauty of the

An Introduction to the Study of The ong>Historyong> and Antiquities of Ireland: in which the assertions ofMr. Hume, and other writers are considered - J. Christie, st edition - 583 pages - Hardcover - 22 x 14 cm.Very good condition. 7 plates. Illustrated ong>withong> copper plates. Quarter leather over marbled boards. New binding incorporating original morocco label. Beautiful scenic plates.J. N. Brewer - The Beauties of Ireland [Volume 1]. Being Original Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Biographical of each County - Sherwood, Jones & Co., st edition - cc, 493 pages + frontispiece + 11 plates - Hardcover - 23 x 15 cmVery good condition.Volume rebound in quarter brown leather. Beautiful engraved plates in lovely condition. Plates by J. & H. S. Storer.Two very scarce volumes.Will have to ship by courier.Shipped and insured by recorded delivery. Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Ireland; Lot with 2 books on the history and beauty of the
Lot with 3 books on natural history of birds -

Lot with 3 books on natural history of birds -

1. J.C. Chenu, O. Des Murs et J. Verreaux - Leçoàns élémentaires sur l' histoire naturelle des Oiseaux - 2 volumes - Paris, Librairie L. Hachette et Cie - pp. - Hardcover, golden edges - x 13 cm.Condition: Good 2. André Theuriet - Nos Oiseaux 110 compositions of H. Giacomelli engraved on wood by J. Huyot including 41 watercolours out of text - Lille, Ch. Tallandier, - Publisher paperboard, golden edge - 246 pp. - 26 x 17 cm.Condition:Good Read More

Collection of 6 Books on London England Britain United Kingdom Book Lot History Guide

Collection of 6 Books on London England Britain United Kingdom Book Lot History Guide

Collection of 6 ong>Booksong> Booklets etc on London, good condition all items in photo's. Collection from Halstead Essex, thank you for your interest. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Collection of 6 Books on London England Britain United Kingdom Book Lot History Guide
WW II; Lot with 12 books on mainly Dutch military history

WW II; Lot with 12 books on mainly Dutch military history

George H. Stein - Geschiedenis van de Waffen-SS - Soesterberg,Aspket, p.,illustrated - paperback - 23,5x15,5cmRichard Overy - Waarom de Geallieerden wonnen - Soesterberg,Aspekt, p, illustrated - paperback - 23,5x15,5cmBart Funnekotter - ACE.De grootste jachtvliegers van de Tweede Wereldoorlog - Soesterberg,Aspekt, p, illustrated - paperback - 23,5x15,5cmHaks Walburgh Schmidt - No return flight. 13 Platoon at Arnhem - Soesterberg,Aspekt, p.,illustrated - paperback - 23,5x15,5cmEmerson Vermaat - Het Ribbentrop-Moong>lotong>ov Pact . Prelude tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog - Soesterberg,Aspekt, p.,illustrated - paperback - 23,5x15,5cmThomas Leeflang - Verboden voor Joden. De bioscoop in de oorlog - Soesterberg,Aspekt, p.,illustrated - paperback - 23x15cmStanislaw Wladyslaw Maczek - Van paardenwagen tot tank. Oorlogsmemoires () van generaal Maczek - Van Ierland uitgeverij, p., illustrated - paperback - 24x17cmMadelon Keizer (red.) - Thuisfront. Oorlog en economie in de twintigste eeuw - Zutphen,Walburg Pers, p.,illustrated - paperback - 25x17cmWim Adriaansen - Sjef Adriaansen. Pelgrim naar Engeland - Foxy Design, p., illustrated - bound - 25x17cmLeender van der Valk - Onheils tij. De laatste jaren van de Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie - Amsterdam,Uitgeverij Carrera, p.,illustrated - paperback - 20x12,5cmJean-Paul Mulders - Op zoek naar de zoon van Hitler. Gelikte postzegels en een oud schilderij - Soesterberg,Aspekt, p.,illustrated - paperback - 21,5 x 13,5cm12. Jaeger - De houding van de Nederlandse politie tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in de grote steden van Noord-Brabant - Tilburg,KUB, p. - paperback - 24x16cm(total of 12) Read More

Concentration camps; Lot with 7 books about the camps Vught

Concentration camps; Lot with 7 books about the camps Vught

Collection of ong>booksong> about concentration ong>campong>s. Eyewitness reports about ong>campong> Vught and ong>campong> Amersfoort and Neuengamme.Also reference works about Neuengamme and one of the most detailed ong>booksong> about the nazi system of forced labour by Marc Bugeln (this book is in English). In the book ‘Wanted’ the complete name list of SS-men that were being sought by the USA after the war. The so-called 'Fahnungsliste'.The ong>lotong> contains:Dr Van der Poel - Neuengamme - Winants C.V. - - softcover- 20 x 14 cm - condition: The bottom part of the spine is open, the corners somewhat rounded.Werner Johe - Neuengamme zur geschichte der konzentrationslager in Hamburg - Landeszentrale für politische Bildung -. - softcover - 2.8 x 14.7 cm In German -condition: light wear on the edges.Van Herpen - illustrations Alfred Mazure - Book ong>withong>out title - Ad. M.C. Stok - Hardcover - 24 x 16 cm - Condition: spine somewhat worn on the top, light wear on the edges. Flyleaf and title page somewhat stained.F.M. Gescher - Het helse einde van Vught - uitgeverij H.J. Dieben - hardcover - 24.5 x 18.5 cm - condition: discolouration on the bottom of the spine, light wear on the corners, signature on the flyleaf.Boud Van Doorn -13 maanden concentratiekamp Vught - A.G Schoonderbeek - - softcover - 22,5 x 15 cm - Condition: spine somewhat worn on the top and attached ong>withong> tape.Marc Bugeln - Slave labor in Nazi Concentration ong>Campong>s - Oxford university press - hardcover ong>withong> dust jacket - 24 x 16.5 cm - second impression. Book in English.In new condition.Reference work about slave labour in service of the Germans. Focussed mainly on the north of Germany and Neuengamme. Gives a good impression how labour was used by the German war machine.Gerd Sudholt - Wanted! Die Fahnungsliste der US-Amerikaner . Eine million Deutscher im visier der Sieger. - druffel dokumentation - 29.7 x 21 cm - in German. Has a vertical reading fold on the spine. Very thick book ong>withong> a list of SS-men that were wanted by the USA after the war. Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Concentration camps; Lot with 7 books about the camps Vught
Lot with 6 books on philosophy and mythology -

Lot with 6 books on philosophy and mythology -

The ong>lotong> includes:1: Platon - The dialogues of Platon - Volume III- Oxford University press warehouse Henry Frowde- - Second edition - 703 pages - Hardcover - Reasonable condition - 16 x 24 x 5 cm.2: Aristotle - The nicomachean ethics (ong>withong> analisis and critical notes by J. E. C. Welldon, MA - Macmillan and co. - pages - Hardcover - Good condition - 14 x 19.5 x 3 cm.3: Euripides - The trojan women (ong>withong> explanatory notes by G. Murray, M.A., LL.D.) - London Georges Allen - (first edition) - 96 pages - Hardcover - Good condition - 13 x 19.5 cm.4: Euripides - The Hippolytus(ong>withong> explanatory notes by G. Murray, M.A., LL.D.) - London Georges Allen - pages - Hardcover - Good condition - 13x19.5 cm.5: Euripides - The Alcestis (ong>withong> explanatory notes by G. Murray., LL.D.) - London Georges Allen - pages - Hardcover - Good condition - 13 x 19.5 cm.6: Sophocles - Oedipus king of Thebes (ong>withong> explanatory notes by G. Murray., LL.D.) - London Georges Allen - pages - Hardcover - Good condition - 13 x 19.5 cm.General condition good to reasonable (see photos) a few stainsSecurely shipped ong>withong> signature on receipt. Read More

Camp history; Lot with 11 editions about Kamp Westerbork -

Camp history; Lot with 11 editions about Kamp Westerbork -

ong>Lotong> contains:1. Ben Prinsen, in cooperation ong>withong> Educatieve Dienst Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, compilation - Tot nader orde vrijgesteld. Lesbrief 3: Over de geschiedenis van Kamp Westerbork - Hooghalen, Stichting Voormalig Kamp Westerbork, pp. - Paperback - 25 x 17.5 cm. - Illustrated.2. Educatieve Dienst Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, compilation - Van verjaardagsfeestje tot deportatietrein. Lesbrief 4: Over de geschiedenis van Kamp Westerbork - Hooghalen, Stichting Voormalig Kamp Westerbork, pp. - Paperback - 25 x 17.5 cm. - Illustrated, facsimile handwriting and maps.3. Inge Veetman, in cooperation ong>withong> Educatieve Dienst Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, compilation - Uitgeweken. Een vluchteling in Nederland. Lesbrief 2a: Over Duitse vluchtelingen in Nederland - Hooghalen, Stichting Voormalig Kamp Westerbork, pp. - Paperback - 25 x 17.5 cm. - Illustrated.4. Dirk Mulder, Ben Prinsen, ed. - Westerbork Cahiers 1:Bronnen van herinnering - Hooghalen/ Assen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork/ Van Gorcum & Comp., pp. - Paperback - 24 x 17 cm. - Illustrated.5. Dirk Mulder, Ben Prinsen, ed. - Westerbork Cahiers 4: Lachen in het donker. Amusement in kamp Westerbork - Hooghalen/ Assen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork/ Van Gorcum & Comp., pp. - Paperback - 24 x 17 cm. - Illustrated.6. Birgit Kuipers en Dirk Mulder, compilation - Je moet nu naar een andere school. Verhalen over kamp Westerbork -Hooghalen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, pp. - Paperback ong>withong> wrappers - 25 x 19 cm. - Illustrated.7. Koert Broersma en Gerard Rossing - Westerbork Cahiers 5: Kamp Westerbork. Het verhaal over een unieke film uit -Hooghalen/ Assen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork/ Van Gorcum & Comp., pp. - Paperback - 24 x 17 cm. - Illustrated.8. Dirk Mulder, Ben Prinsen, ed. - Westerbork Cahiers 6: Portretten van overleven. Getuigen van kamp Westerbork - Hooghalen/ Assen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork/ Van Gorcum & Comp., pp. - Paperback - 24 x 17 cm. - Illustrated.9. Gino Huiskes en Reinhilde van der Kroef, compilation -Westerbork Cahiers 7: Vluchtelingenkamp Westerbork - Hooghalen/ Assen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork/ Van Gorcum & Comp., pp. - Paperback - 24 x 17 cm. - Illustrated.10. Dirk Mulder, Ben Prinsen, ed. - Westerbork Cahiers 2: Kinderen in Kamp Westerbork - Hooghalen/ Assen, Stichting Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork/ Van Gorcum & Comp., - Third, unchanged edition - 120 pp. - Paperback - 24 x 17 cm. - Illustrated.11. Harm van der Veen - Westerbork . Het verhaal van vluchtelingenkamp en Durchgangslager Westerbork - Hooghalen, Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, pp. - Paperback ong>withong> wrappers - 21 x 22 cm. - Richly illustrated.Condition: Issues 1 through 10 ong>withong> a name on flyleaf or title page, the cover is slightly discoloured of issues 5, 8 and 10 (on the spine in particular), otherwise in good condition. (Total of 11.) Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Camp history; Lot with 11 editions about Kamp Westerbork -
Lot with 5 books about freemasonry and its history -

Lot with 5 books about freemasonry and its history -

ong>Lotong> contains:1. W.L. Wilmshurst - De beteekenis der Vrijmetselarij - Gnosis - pp. - Linen binding - In good condition.2. P.J. van Loo - Geschiedenis van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden - MSRT - pp. - Paperback - In good condition.3. F.T.B. Clavel - Geschiedenis der Vrijmetselarij en der geheime genootschappen van vroegeren en lateren tijd - van Goor - (reprint) - 430 pp. - Hardcover - Spine somewhat discoloured, otherwise good.4. J.B. Zeijlemaker Jnz. - De Vrijmetselarij ontleed - Stichting Fama Fraternitatis - pp. + extra section - Hardcover - In good condition.5. D. Knoop & G.P. Jones - De Wordingsgeschiedenis van de Vrijmetselarij - MSRT - pp. - Hardcover - In good condition. Read More

Lot of 3 books on the History of Scotland, England and

Lot of 3 books on the History of Scotland, England and

Guillaume Robertson.Scotland’s ong>Historyong> during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King Jacques VI, ong>withong> a handbook of the ong>historyong> of Scotland preceding that era.In Paris, at Pissot, Prault, Delalain. pages.rigid cover of full skin, wear on the spines, gold engraving on the back.Dimensions:10 x 17 cm.Fair condition.Mr. Gaillard.-ong>Historyong> of the rivalry between France and England - second and third volumes.Published in Paris by Saillant and Desaint. and 413 pages.rigid cover of full skin, slight wear on the spines, gold engraving on the back.Dimensions:10 x 17 cm.Good condition Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Lot of 3 books on the History of Scotland, England and
Books; Lot with 3 books on making books, book art and

Books; Lot with 3 books on making books, book art and

1. Jan Christiaan Poortenaar (Amsterdam, – Naarden, ) was a Dutch graphic artist, graphic designer, painter, watercolourist, draughtsman, etcher, lithographer, wood engraver, illustrator, author and publisher.Title:Boekkunst en GrafiekPublisher:De Sikkel, Antwerp / In den Toren, Amsterdamst edition.Hardcover, cong>lotong>h (some spots on front cover), sewn, hardcover, 204 pages (some spots), binding loose at the back, some addenda loose, binding slightly bent.Size:>Withong> contributions of: Mr. J.F. van Royen and Prof. Dr. Maurits Sabbe and a foreword by Arthur van Schendel.40 full-page images and 90 images in the text, in addition to a number of addenda.2. M. H. Groenendaal - Drukletters, hun ontstaan en hun gebruiktechnische uitgeverij H.Stam b.v. th edition.Hardcover, good condition, ong>withong> dust jacketSize: cm.3. Huib van Krimpen - Boek, over het maken van boeken (ong>withong> the status of classic text book)Gaade Uitgevers, new, revised, and enlarged edition (first edition )Hardcover, good condition, ong>withong> dust jacket Size: cm.Instructive and fascinating ong>booksong> for any book lover, on the art and the craft of making ong>booksong>. Read More

Typography; Lot with 6 books on typography and lettering -

Typography; Lot with 6 books on typography and lettering -

The ong>lotong> consists of:1. Various Authors - Letters; een bloemlezing over typografie - Eindhoven, [Z]OO Producties, no date - first edition - 229 pp. - paperback - cm.Very good.Contributions by, among others, Gerrit Noordzij, Bram de Does, Gerard Unger.2. Gerard Unger - Terwijl je leest - Amsterdam, De Buitenkant, - first edition - 236 pp. - cong>lotong>h ong>withong> dust jacket - cm.As new.About typography and reading.3. Fons van der Linden - Over Letters en Schrift en de beginselen van het Schrijven - De Bilt, Cantecleer, - first edition - 168 pp. - hardcover - cm.As new.4. A.A. M. Stols - Het Werk van S.H. de Roos - Amsterdam, Lettergieterij Amsterdam, - first edition - 93 pp. - hardcover - cm.In good condition. Spine slightly damaged.Illustrated5. Sjaak Hubregtse (ed.) - Sjoerd H. de Roos; typografische geschriften - 's-Gravenhage, SDU, - first edition - 151 pp. - paperback - cm.In very good condition.Richly illustrated.6. Manfred Klein, Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin and Erik Spiekermann - Type & Typographers - 's-Gravenhage, SDU, - first edition - 224 pp. - cong>lotong>h ong>withong> dust jacket - cm.As new.Survey of important typographers and font designs.Language:English.(Total: 6) Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Typography; Lot with 6 books on typography and lettering -
Lot with 6 books on letters -

Lot with 6 books on letters -

Kees Broos & David Quay - Wim Crouwel Alphabets - Amsterdam, BIS Publishers, pp. - Paperback ong>withong> flaps. Text in English.Joep Pohlen - Letterfontein. Over drukletters - Roermond, Fontana, pp. - Half-cong>lotong>h hardcover ong>withong> 3 tassels.Gerrit Noordzij - Letters in studie. Letterontwerpen van studenten in het Nederlandse kunstonderwijs - Eindhoven, Lecturis, pp. - Stapled.Mathieu Lommen and Peter Verheul - Haagse letters. Letterontwerpen aan de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag - Amsterdam, De Buitenkant, pp. - Cardboard hardcover.Martijn Smeets & Martin Majoor - Letterboekje. Een overzicht van een & twintig PostScripts fonts - Arnhem, Hogeschool voor de kunsten, pp. - Paperback. Spine discoloured.Martijn Smeets - Letterboekje. Een overzicht van twintig PostScripts fonts - Arnhem, Hogeschool voor de kunsten, (third edition) - 415 pp. - Paperback.All in very good condition.(total of 6) Read More

Lot with 6 books on (inland) shipping -

Lot with 6 books on (inland) shipping -

1. Henk Bos en Jan Weidema - Schepen die blijven, Type- en scheepsbeschrijvingen van Nederlandse Historische Bedrijfsvaartuigen - Landelijke vereniging tot Behoud van het Historische Vaartuig, pp. - Hardcover ong>withong> tassel - cmCondition: near mint.Published on the occasion of the 25 anniversary of the Landelijke vereniging tot Behoud van het Historische Vaartuig.2. Dirk van Dam - Schippers en Schepen uit Gouderak - Historische Vereniging “Golderake” te Gouderak, pp. - Hardcover - cmCondition: Near mint.3. Various authors - Beugelschippers door de jaren heen - Coöperatief Zand - en Grindbedrijf U.A., pp. - Hardcover - cmCondition: Near mint.4. Rob Martens en Lieuwe Westra - Glorie van de oude Binnenvaart...met de beste groeten van... - Christina, pp. - Softcover - cmCondition: Good.5. Rob Martens en Lieuwe Westra - Binnenvaart onder stoom... met de beste groeten van... - Christina, pp. - Softcover - cmCondition: Good.6. Rob Martens en Lieuwe Westra - Weerzien met de oude Binnenvaart - Kosmos, pp. - Hardcover - cmCondition: Fairly good.(total of 6) Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Lot with 6 books on (inland) shipping -
Lot with 6 books on “Burger-Kleedermakerij” [civil

Lot with 6 books on “Burger-Kleedermakerij” [civil

1. Snijmethode voor Zelfonderricht - Doetinchem - G. Misset - 80 pp. - 1st edition - cm - Fine.2. Atlas - Snijmethode voor Zelfonderricht - Doetinchem - G. Misset - 109 illustrations - cm - Fine.3. A. Nebeling - Het Passen - Verbeteren & Veranderen of Tien jaar praktijk van een Coupeur - Brussel - Internationale Snijschool - pp. - 1st edition - cm - Fine.4. B.F. Miltenburg - eenvoudig Handboekje voor de Kleermakerij - E.M.R.O. - pp. - 1st edition - cm - Fair.5. J. Heykers - De broek volgens het Balans-Systeem - Doetinchem - G. Misset - 36 pp. - 1st edition - cm. - Fair.6. J. Robinson - Fashion in the 40s - New York - St. Martin's Press - pp. - 2nd edition - cm - Good.The pictures provide a good impression of the condition of this ong>lotong> and show all the details. Read More

6 Books on British History

6 Books on British History

British ong>Historyong> ong>Booksong> Can be collected from North Hertfordshire or can be sent via hermes courier for £9 ·         England Under the Tudors – GR Elton ·         The Roundheads – Jasper Ridley ·         William The Conqueror – David C. Douglas ·         Britain Since – The rise of Industry – Howard Martin ·         London ·         The Horison ong>Historyong> of the British Empire Ad ID:

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: 6 Books on British History
Lot with 5 books about book history -

Lot with 5 books about book history -

Stanley Morison - Four centuries of fine printing - London, Ernest Benn, pp. - Linen ong>withong> dust jacket - In good condition.Georg Kurt Schauer - Internationale Buchkunst im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert - Ravensburg, Otto Maier, pp. - Linen ong>withong> dust jacket - In good condition.S.H. Steinberg - Five hundred years of printing - London, Faber & Faber, pp. Linen ong>withong> dust jacket - In good condition. The dust jacket has a few damages.Marieke van Delft (ed.) - New perspectives in book ong>historyong>. Contributions from the Low Countries - Zutphen, Walburg, Pers, pp. - Sewn - In good condition.[Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, ed.] - A treasure house of ong>booksong>. The library of Duke August of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel - Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp. - Linen ong>withong> dust jacket - In good condition. Read More

10 rare identifier concentration camp Velten - Ravensbrück

10 rare identifier concentration camp Velten - Ravensbrück

Click here to view this ong>lotong> 10 rare and original identifier from the company Ikarius.The company’s headquarters were in Velten, near Berlin.Soil Fund from Velten.There female forced laborer from ong>campong> Ravenbrück produced canons for fighting air planesThe cannons were installed in Heinkel machines, among others.Shipping per registered mail. Click here to visit Catawiki Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: 10 rare identifier concentration camp Velten - Ravensbrück
Lot of 3 books - French politics and history -

Lot of 3 books - French politics and history -

Jeffreyb Haus - challenges of equality: Judaism,state and education in Nineteenth century France - Wayne state un iversity press Detroit - pages - 24 cm x 16 cm - book and dj like new excellent binding contents cleanMichael Winock [translated by Jane Todd] -Nationalism, anti- semitism and fascism in France - Stanford university press California - pages - 24 cm x 16 cm - book is in like new condition dj like new excellent binding contents bright cleanWilliam D Irvine - the Boulanger affair - Oxford university press - pages - 22 cm x 15 cm - book and dj both like new excellent binding bright clean contents Read More

Books on History and Christianity

Books on History and Christianity

A ong>Historyong> of Christianity by Diarmaid McCulloch as new £7 Jerusalem by Simon Sebag Montefiori as new £4 Tel anytime Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: Books on History and Christianity
Memory and Concentration Books in Barking and Dagenham

Memory and Concentration Books in Barking and Dagenham

Having trouble remember or find yourself forgetting? Then buy this coursework by Dr. Bruno Furst. Complete 12 book series. Originally cost me £300. A bargain to you.

WW I; Lot of 8 travel guides and history books -

WW I; Lot of 8 travel guides and history books -

Chrisje en Kees Brandts - Levende herinnering, de oorlog die nooit ophield - Aprilis pages bound / hardcover - in mint condition - cm.Hermann Frederic - Voyage au pays du souvernir - La Renaissance du livre pages, bound hardcover ong>withong> dust jacket - cm - in mint condition.Tony Spagnoly - Salient point One - Leo Cooper pages - glued / softcover - cm - in mint condition.Tony Spagnoly - Salient point Two - Leo Cooper pages - glued / softcover - cm - in mint condition.Tony Spagnoly - A walk round Plugstreet - Leo Cooper pages - glued/softcover - cm - in mint condition.Ypres et les batailles d'ypres - Michelin pages - glued / softcover - cm - in neat condition.Verdun - Argonnen - Michelin pages - glued/softcover ong>withong> dust jacket - cm - in neat condition.La Marne ) L'OURCQ Chantilly Senlis Meaux - Michelin pages - glued/softcover - cm - in neat condition. Read More

Related products camp history lot with 6 books on work and concentration: WW I; Lot of 8 travel guides and history books -
Occultism; Lot with 3 books on divination and fortune

Occultism; Lot with 3 books on divination and fortune

The ong>lotong> includes:1. Anonymous - Beknopte handleiding tot de kunst van het kaartleggen of Aanwyzing om door middel van zesendertig speelkaarten iemants horoscoop te trekken (uit het Fransch vertaald) - Amsterdam, by P.G. en N. Geysbeek, Boekverkopers, c. pp. -Softcover - cm.Condition: Very good, original printed cover, slight wear on the spine. 2. Jan Orakel - Vermakelyke Oraculen (uit het Fransch vertaald) - Leeuwarden, G. Beitsma, c. pp. - softcover - cm. Book of fate ong>withong> questions and answers. Content: Introduction ong>withong> dedication to the “Beminnelijke jonge dochters van Nederland”, “Onderrigting” and “Vragen” followed by the main work ong>withong> “Het nieuw vermakelijk rad van avontuur”; ong>withong> woodcut on title page.Condition: Good condition, original paper cover.3. Anonymous - Het nieuw en vermakelyk rad van avontuur of kortswijlige voorzeggingen, opnieuw nagezien en verbeterd (uit het Fransch vertaald) - unknown publisher, 19th century - 72 pp. - cm - Content: Onderrigtingen, Register der vragen, Vermakelyke voorzeggingen, Besluit.Condition: Moderate, first three pages damaged, ong>withong> dog-ears, original paper binding, see pictures.(total of 3) Read More
