Calling the Circle
ong>Callingong> ong>theong> Circle: ong>Theong> original small-press edition of ong>Callingong> ong>theong> Circle has become one of ong>theong> key resources for ong>theong> rapidly-growing 'circle' movement. This newly revised edition brings Christina Baldwin's groundbreaking work to an even broader audience ranging from women's spirituality groups to corporate development teams. ong>yearsong> ago, women and men gaong>theong>red around campfires to decide ong>theong> key issues in ong>theong>ir lives. Today, groups everywhere are discovering a new form of this ancient ritual for communication, mutual support, teamwork, and social change. Now, in a book as consciousness-changing as Riane Eisler's ong>Theong> Chalice and ong>theong> Blade or Peter Senge's ong>Theong> Fifth Discipline, Christina Baldwin offers this powerful new tool to everyone who longs for a community based on honesty, equality, and spiritual integrity. In this simple, profound practice, participants sit in a circle, pass a talking piece from person to person, and speak and listen from ong>theong> heart. Christina Baldwin gives detailed instructions and suggestions for getting started, setting goals, and solving disagreements safely and respectfully. She also offers inspiring examples of circles in action: a women's spirituality group, a faong>theong>r and son in crisis, a PTA group that averts a school strike and a work project team that accesses a new level of creativity and caring. From ong>theong> Trade Paperback edition.