1ON1 Personal Life and Small Business Coaching Designed For
Hello I am Greg ong>andong> I live ong>andong> work ong>inong> Bristol. I am a ong>Lifeong> coach ong>andong> small ong>busong>inong>essong> coach who is committed to success, happong>inong>ess, ong>busong>inong>essong> success ong>andong> growth. I have already helped many clients globally ong>andong> have written 16 books on success ong>andong> ong>busong>inong>essong>. I am focusong>inong>g my efforts now around Bristol ong>andong> Bath more as I want to help my community. Whether you want a new career, a new ong>busong>inong>essong>, ong>busong>inong>essong> growth, more ong>inong>come, more time for family or help with organisation, brong>andong>ong>inong>g, exposure, client ong>inong>crease, scalong>inong>g up ong>busong>inong>essong>, understong>andong>ong>inong>g margong>inong>s ong>andong> expenses I will help. I have been workong>inong>g onlong>inong>e for over 10 years helpong>inong>g offlong>inong>e ong>andong> onlong>inong>e ong>busong>inong>essong> owners to create more revenue. Let's face it all ong>busong>inong>essong> is based on revenue ong>andong> growth ong>andong> as 95% of ong>busong>inong>essong>es fail ong>inong> the first year it is vital to get professional help. I look forward to hearong>inong>g from you Greg www.GregDeTisi.com