bt home hub 4 router
For uninterrupted and reliable online connectivity try the ong>BTong> ong>Hubong> 4r Unlocked Wireless ADSL Modem ong>Routerong>, ideal for any broadband user. Make the most of the ong>Hubong> 4r's dual-band technology for a more consistent signal across ong>yourong> home network. Operating on two bands at speeds of up to 300 Mbps, this ong>BTong> ong>routerong> provides a more robust and stable connection that is less likely to suffer from wireless interference and dropouts. Equipped with a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, the ong>Hubong> 4r is one of the easiest ways to quickly transfer files from one device to another. The USB 2.0 port allows you share and access files from a shared drive connected to the ong>Hubong> 4r for a quick and efficient file sharing path, fantastic for setting up a home or small office network. Smart Setup makes the ong>Hubong> 4r simple to set up on any device, without the need for a PC. Remembering passwords is also a thing of the past with one button pairing to speed up connecting new devices. Get online and enjoy rapid connectivity for up to four devices when you use the ong>BTong> ong>Hubong> 4r Unlocked Wireless ADSL Modem ong>Routerong>.