Brilliant Blind Cleaning & Repairs in Lytham St. Annes
Ever tried <strong>clean<strong>instrong>gstrong> your <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s? Time consum<strong>instrong>g, fiddly, messy and often unproductive. We come to your property, remove your <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s and clean them us<strong>instrong>g latest ultrasonic technology to provide an amaz<strong>instrong>g f<strong>instrong>ish. Just look at the before and after pictures - these are real images of <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s that have come from the same room - wow! Have you <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s that need <strong>repairsstrong>? We can repair most types of w<strong>instrong>dow <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s that are either lopsided or don't work properly. Are your <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s safe for children and pets? <strong>Instrong> legislation was passed to avoid deaths and <strong>instrong>jury but many <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s that were fitted prior to this date are still a hazard. We can make your <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s safe and help them to last longer. Need new <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s? We supply and fit new <strong>bl<strong>instrong>dstrong>s at extremely keen prices. We come to visit you at your property so that you can colour match with our pattern books and samples. Fantastic, prompt & reliable service - It's a cliche with most companies but with us, it's a promise!