Breeding geese for sale £ pair
Breeding pairs of geese available from last Spring's hatchlings. Our geese are hatched by us, hand reared and free range on grass. Contrary to popular belief geese are friendly and communicative with those they are familiar with and goslings are an absolute delight to have around. They are excellent at raising the alarm if an intruder enters your premises and keep your grass closely cropped so you need never mow again! One egg is enough for an omlette or scrambled egg for one or two people depending on your appetite. Geese can start to lay from February 14th or later. There's no need to have a pond (although they will be appreciative if you do have one), a plastic trug tub or two will be adequate to keep their eyes and feet clean. Geese are hardy and even though ours have goose huts available they seldom use them. Read More