Adolf Hitler; Lot with 19 titles in 20 bindings on tgeh Nazi
The lot contains:1. Hermann Rauschning - Hitler m'a dit. Confidences du Führer sur son plan de conquête du monde - Paris, Cooperation, pp. - Paper binding - 166th edition - Dimensions: 19 x 12 cm.Condition: Moderate: damage to the cover and it has been taped, notes in pencil on the flyleaf.2. Franz Jetzinger - Hitlers Jugend. Phantasien, Lügen - und die Wahrheit - Wien, Europa verlag, pp. - Linen binding - With 20 illustrations - Dimensions: 21 x 13 cm.Condition: The dust jacket may be missing, name stamp on flyleaf, otherwise in good condition.3. Robert Neumann en Helga Koppel - Hitler, de gesel van Europa. Foto-documentaire over de opkomst, ondergang en de misdaden van het nationaal-socialisme - Baarn, De Boekerij, ca. pp. - Linen binding - Many photos - Dimensions: 23 x 20 cm.Condition: Dust jacket is missing, binding is slightly faded, otherwise in good condition.4. J.S. Bartstra - Adolf Hitler - Zeist, Antwerpen, De Haan/ Standaard boekhandel, pp. - Paperback - With 32 photos - Series: Phoenix pockets 99 - Dimensions: 19 x 11.5 cm.Condition: Cover is a little worn, modest name on flyleaf, otherwise in good condition.5. Werner Maser - Hitlers Mein Kampf. Een doorlichting van het ijzingwekkendste boek van onze eeuw- Amsterdam, De Arbeiderspers, pp. - Paperback - Series: Floret no. 25 - Dimensions: 20 x 12.5 cm.Condition: Modest name on flyleaf, slight reading creases, otherwise in good condition.6. Walter C. Langer - Een psychologisch portret van Adolf Hitler. Het geheime rapport uit de oorlogstijd - Utrecht, Antwerp, A.W. Bruna, pp. - Paperback - Dimensions: 20.5 x 12.5 cm.Condition: Good.7. August Kubizek - Young Adolf. The story of our friendship - Maidstone, George Mann, - Xiv, 204 pp. - Linen binding - With an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper - Illustrated with many photos and a few facsimile-manuscripts - Dimensions: 22 x 14 cm.Condition: Dust jacket is missing, otherwise in good condition.8. Robert Payne - Hitler. Een leven voor de dood - Amsterdam, Brussels, Elsevier, pp. - Linen binding - Photos - Dimensions: 29.5 x 15 cm.Condition: Dust jacket is missing, otherwise in good condition.9. Werner Maser, Herausgeber. - Mein Schüler Hitler. Das Tagebuch seines Lehrers Paul Devrient - Pfaffenhofen/Ilm, Ilmgau Verlag, pp. - Linen binding - With photos - Dimensions: 22 x 17 cm.Condition: Dust jacket is missing, lettering on the spine is a little worn, otherwise in good condition.10. Henry Picker - Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier. Vollständig überarbeite und erweiterde Neuausgabe mit bisher unbekannten Selbstzeugnissen Adolf Hitlers, Abbildungen, Augenzeugenberichten und Erläuterungen des Autors: Hitler, wie er wirklich war - Stuttgart, Seewald Verlag, pp. - Paperback - Illustrated - Dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Condition: Cover is a little worn,otherwise in good condition.11. Robert G.L. Waite - Hitler als psychopaat - Amsterdam, Amsterdam Boek, pp.- Paperback - Illustrated - Dimensions: 21 x 14 cm.Condition: Cover is a little worn, otherwise in good condition.12. Eberhard Jäckel, Herausgeber. - Hitler. Sämliche Aufzeichnungen - Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, pp. - Linen binding with dust jacket - Series: Quellen und Darstellung zur Zeitgeschichte Band 21 - Dimensions: 24.5 x 16.5 cm.Condition: Name on flyleaf, otherwise in good condition.13. Helm Stierlin - Adolf Hitler. Etude psychologique - Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, pp. - Paperback - Dimensions: 20 x 13.5 cm.Condition: Name on flyleaf, otherwise in good condition.14. Alan Bullock - Hitler. Leven en ondergang van een tiran - Amsterdam, Omega Boek, pp. - Linen binding with dust jacket - With many photos - Dimensions: 23.5 x 15.5 cm. Condition: Spine of the dust jacket is slightly faded, otherwise in good condition.15. P.F.M. Fontaine - De onbekende Hitler - Baarn, Ambo, pp. - Paperback - With photo sections - Dimensions: 23.5 x 15.5 cm.Condition: Modest name on the flyleaf, otherwise in good condition.16. Werner Maser - Adolf Hitler. Legende, Mythos, Wirklichkeit - München, Bechtle Verlag, thj edition - 669 pp. - Linen binding with dust jacket - With many photos - Dimensions: 23 x 15 cm.Condition: Good. 17. Alan Bullock - Hitler and Stalin. Parallel lives - London, etc., BCA, - Xx, pp. - Linen binding with dust jacket - With many photos and maps - Dimensions.: 24 x 16 cm.Condition: Good. 18. Ron Rosenbaum - Die Hitler-Debatte (Explaining Hitler). Auf der Suche nach dem Ursprung des Bösen - München, Wien, Europa Verlag, pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket - 22 x 13.5 cm.Condition: Very good.19. Ian Kershaw - Hitler : Hoogmoed / : Vergelding - Utrecht, Het Spectrum, - Two volumes - pp. - Uniform linen bindings with dust jackets - Illustrated with many photos and maps- Dimensions: 24 x 16 cm.Condition: Name on flyleaf in the first volume, otherwise in good condition.(total of 19 ong>booksong> in 20 bindings). Read More