KDA Bookkeeping in Huddersfield
KDA Bookeeping was founded by Kate Akerman in . She has 4 years experience running a business and maintaining an organised bookkeeping system. She is reliable, a quick learner and flexible. Bookkeeping services in the Huddersfield, Halifax, Brighouse areas and surrounding towns. She has bookkeeping qualifications and 4 years of experience of using Sage. KDA Bookeeping is able to carry out a wide range of bookkeeping services including inputting sales and purchase invoices onto accounting software, reconciling income and expenses to the bank statements, carry out VAT returns, raise sales invoices and chase debtors for payment. She specialises in supporting start up businesses and businesses that have not had a bookkeeper for a while and need someone to pick up from where the books were left. She has had experience in engineering, garage, farming and the food industry. She is happy to do your bookkeeping from home or in your place of work with your systems.