Great condition Mongoose r14 pedal bike (Comes with
Great condition, great bike!! My little boy zoomed about on this bike and loved it!! Unfortunately he has already outgrown it after another growth spurt so despite the fact he loves it and it is still in great condition we need the next size up. Description Mongoose Scan R14 Kids' BMX Bike - 14"BMX superstars have to start somewhere, and the Mongoose Scan R14 Kids' BMX Bike is that perfect first step. With cool BMX styling, the Scan R14 has stabilisers that can be removed once your little one is confident, and a full chainguard will keep your little one clean - for the moment, at least! Age Group: 4-6Front and rear calliper brakesFull chainguard to protect little fingers and clothingStabilisers can be removed as confidence growsSuitable for children between cm