Bought this bike in January for my wife, but she has hardly used it. It has a 250 watt front wheel motor and three gears in the hub of the rear wheel so low maintenance of the gears is required. It also has a rear hub brake which is activated by peddling backwards plus V brakes front and rear so is very safe to ride. It has a 10 amp hour 36 volt battery and should give up to 30 miles on one charge depending on terrain. It also has a rear wheel lock fixed to the frame for extra security and led lights front and rear. It has done very low mileage as I use an electric mountain bike and is in prime condition. It is very comfortable to ride and gear changing is very easy. It has done very minimal mileage and retails at £699 so £400 is a real bargain, hence no offers please. Buyer collects, although if you are fairly close to Rickmansworth I may be able to deliver. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit